Our prised omega [Alpha Mel and Jinx x Omega Reader]

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This- is yelling

This- is flashbacks

["This"]- is sign language

'This'- is thinking

'This'- is mocking



|«||___ Jinx's POV ___||»|


I walked into my space where [Y/N] was sitting on the floor and drawing. She was always the best thing out of coming back to this place.

I met her when I was 13 and she was 15. She came here looking for a job. I knew I had a connection with her, from the moment her eyes met mine.

I sit beside her on the floor and look at what she's drawing. She usually draws the designs I have for my bombs and such. "What you drawing there trinket?" I asked her.

She jumped a bit in surprise and looked at me with those pretty little eyes. "I-it's an elephant." She mutters. Her cute little stutters are so adorable!

"You read about those in those books you like so much?" I asked her. She nodded and turned her head back to the drawing. I sat there the whole time, watching her hands as they drew so elegantly.

My mind starts to wander off, about how my hands will work on her thighs while my tongue dove deep inside her. I smile to myself, thinking of all the ways to fuck her once I mark her.

Suddenly she stops drawing and gets up. "I'm gonna take a quick walk on crossing bridge. You coming?" She asked, looking at me with those beautiful [E/C] eyes. I sighed knowing I couldn't.

"Not this time Trinket but, next time I will ok?.." I smiled at her. She nodded, hugging me before walking out. I sigh in frustration, why of all days did he have to give me a got damn assignment.

I just hope she'll be alright...


|«||___ [Y/N]'s POV ___||»|


I walked over the bridge with my bag in hand. My book and coloring items were all in there. I liked coming to the bridge when I felt stuck on designs. Or when I felt like my crush, Jinx, was getting annoyed.

It was calming despite the enforcers always looking at me like I was dirt. I sigh and sat on the edge of the bridge, taking my book and a pen out.

I look around and look between the two cities before making up my mind. As I'm drawing, the enforcer not to far from leans over to see what I'm drawing. I notice this and tip the book to let her see.

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