My humble girl [Evil Alpha Super girl x Omega farmer reader]

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This- is yelling

This- is flashbacks

["This"]- is sign language

'This'- is thinking

'This'- is mocking



|«||___ Kara's POV ___||»|


As I sat in a tree of the forest, I had my eyes on someone. I was watching my precious little omega at the moment. She was working herself up again over a harvest this year.

I would help her but she doesn't know this me. She knows Kara. Her trusted friend and employee. But I want her to know the real me.

To be able to experience all of me. To know how my body pleasing hers feels! Oh that would be a dream.

I snap out of my thoughts hearing a slight thud and look at her. She was on the ground heaving and panting. My heart ached as I stared at her.

But then a thought came to my head. 'Maybe if I do the work for her tonight, she won't be tired and exhausted! Yes! I'll do exactly that!' I thought with a smile.


|«||___ [Y/N]'s POV ___||»|


Today was exhausting..

My entire back is aching and sore. Maybe I should have taken Kara's offer on letting her help. But I didn't want to overstep her boundaries or exploit her.

I changed and went to bed, not feeling like even bathing. I already know I'll be back in those fields tomorrow and slaving away.

As I laid down, I wondered deeply to myself. 'What would life be like if I had decided to take the job in New York, instead of down here running my parents farm in Florida?' I thought to myself.

I probably would be so smelly and sweaty for one thing. I probably wouldn't be shoveling animal shit to. Nastiest poop to clean is the horses in my opinion.

I shake my head of my thoughts, turning out my beside lamp. My eyes closing steadily.


|«||__ .•••. __||»|


I suddenly shoot up from my bed, to the sound of a ruckus outside. It sounded like the damn wolves were bothering the horses again.

But I wasn't to sure of that..

So I quietly got up, and grabbed the shot gun from beside my bed. I silently crept along the halls of this creepy creaky house. I peeked out the peep hole of the front door.


I silently opened the door, going outside. Once out I was really on guard. "Now listen here! Whoever you are, I have a gun in hand, 0 patience, and rarely miss!" I growled out.

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