Wonder woman x police officer female reader x Harley Quinn

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I hope you guys will like this- I'm gonna make this extra long to have a great start to this book! This book will take a lot of time! And I plan to make this book go to 250 One-shots!

Each one will be atleast 2,000 - 3,000 words long! I refuse to write any lower! I want only the best for my readers!




|«||___ [Y/N]'s POV ___||»|


I and the others were walking into the back of a building. A creepy warehouse, that used to be one of the joker's, many hide outs. We figured out that a villain has been hiding in this facility for quite some time now. We'd been after them for three months now.

Though there's been another problem. The deaths of the justice league...

Just in these past 3 months, 42 deaths have been counted. A few of those deaths were not only the justice league but also other hero's as well.

The scariest thing is, whoever is killing the hero's knows the exact location where they live..

They know their secret identities, their locations, and their family. This person seems to have a hate for all the hero's. But also villains as well. The joker, Mr. Penguin, kyrpto, and other villains have been found dead on our doorstep.

So this person also knows all of them personally as well.. but who?

I shake my head of the thought for now and focus more on the mission. We needed to find this person and fast. We only have one hero left, Wonder Woman..

Especially if we wanted the world to be safe..

I and the others sneak around the back, guns in hand. Chief nodded his head as a sign for us. Marissa, my coworker, kicked the door open. Instantly she dodged a knife thrown at her. It ended up hitting a crate behind her.

As soon as that happened we all took aim ready to shoot. But whatever or whoever had thrown the knife, moved to fast. We moved forward though, scouting the area. It was mostly filled with old bombs or carnival equipment.

The Joker was a creepy son of a bitch...

Soon a fleet of arrows rushed past our bodies. Thanks to our vest though, it was easy to not directly get shot. Though it did slow us down.

We kept going after the arrows finally stopped and cleared. We rushed down the hallways since every trap was more dangerous then the last. We knew we had to be getting close to whoever this person is.

We soon got to a tall steel door. This time the chief was the one to kick the door open. Everyone went in but I stayed to guard the door. But what we didn't expect was what we saw.

A damn dummy...

I groaned and muttered as Jason walked through the door first. But before he could fully walk through, a door came slamming down from the ceiling. It's speed made him completely split down the middle. I heard the screams from the others, on the other side of the door.

"Agent [Y/N]! Call for back up immediately and get out of here" chief yelled. I didn't want to leave them but I couldn't do this on my own. I turned around and everything went dark...


|«||___ Diana's POV ___||»|

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