DEKU hopes to be quirkless again!

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TikTok User vigilantzu

In the heart of Musutafu, where the echoes of heroes and villains resounded through the bustling streets, a young Izuku Midoriya, the vigilant Deku, patrolled the city. His green costume clung to him like a second skin, a symbol of the strength he had found beyond the limitations of his initial quirklessness.

As Deku leaped from rooftop to rooftop, the moonlit sky above held silent witness to his nightly crusade. Yet, in the quiet moments between vigilant pursuits, his mind often drifted to a time when the idea of possessing a quirk seemed like an unattainable dream.

One night, perched on a rooftop overlooking the city, Deku's thoughts unraveled into the past. The memory of a younger version of himself, a quirkless boy with dreams too grand for the world to comprehend, played like a vivid movie in his mind.

"I used to wish for a quirk so desperately," Deku mused aloud, his voice carried away by the night breeze. "I wished to be like All Might, to save people with a smile on my face."

The city below was alive with the hum of activity, oblivious to the internal dialogue of the vigilant hero above. Deku's eyes, however, betrayed a hint of melancholy as he continued to reflect on the journey that had brought him to this point.

"Back then, it felt like the world had closed its doors on me. Being quirkless was like having a one-way ticket to failure," he admitted, the weight of his past struggles evident in his voice.

The moon cast a soft glow on Deku's features, highlighting the determination that had replaced the longing in his eyes. "But now, without a quirk, I've become something more. I've proven that even without powers, I can make a difference."

As Deku spoke, a realization washed over him. The wish that once consumed his every thought had transformed into a testament of strength. The absence of a quirk had become his greatest asset, a driving force behind his relentless pursuit of justice.

"I wished for a quirk when I was quirkless, but now... I wouldn't trade my journey for anything," he confessed to the quiet night. "Every stumble, every fall, and every tear shed—it all led me to this moment."

The city seemed to hush, as if pausing to acknowledge the vigilante's introspection. Deku, bathed in the moon's glow, surveyed the sprawling urban landscape. The wishes of a quirkless boy had given rise to a hero who now soared above the city, a testament to the strength found within the very limitations he had once despised.

In that moment, Deku embraced the duality of his existence. The quirkless boy's wishes had been answered in ways beyond imagination, molding him into the vigilant hero he was meant to be. As the night continued, Deku leaped into the darkness, his heart echoing with the resilience that had transformed his once-unattainable dreams into a reality of his own making.

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