DADZAWA helps IZUKU with a heartbreak

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Izuku Midoriya trudged through the rain-soaked streets, his heart shattered into a million pieces. The scene he had witnessed just an hour ago replayed in his mind like a cruel loop: his girlfriend, the one person he thought he could trust, in the arms of another boy. They had been laughing, kissing, completely oblivious to the world around them. He had wanted to confront them, to shout, to demand answers, but instead, he had turned and fled, tears mingling with the rain on his face.

He didn't know where else to go, so he found himself at the doorstep of Shota Aizawa, his homeroom teacher and mentor. Aizawa had always been there for him, a steady presence in his life, and right now, Izuku needed that more than ever.

Izuku knocked hesitantly, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Aizawa opened the door, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of his soaked and trembling student. "Midoriya? What happened?"

Without a word, Izuku collapsed into Aizawa's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Aizawa, his expression softening with concern, guided him inside and shut the door against the storm. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes first," he said gently, leading Izuku to the bathroom and handing him a towel and some dry clothes.

Once Izuku had changed, they sat together on the couch, a warm blanket wrapped around Izuku's shoulders. Aizawa handed him a mug of hot tea. "Take your time, Midoriya. Tell me what happened when you're ready."

Izuku took a shaky sip of the tea, trying to steady his breathing. "I saw her, Mr. Aizawa. I saw her with someone else. She was... she was kissing him." His voice broke, tears streaming down his face again. "I thought she loved me. I thought I was enough."

Aizawa's eyes darkened with empathy. "I'm so sorry, Midoriya. No one deserves to go through that. It's not your fault."

Izuku shook his head, the pain in his heart intensifying. "It hurts so much. I don't understand how she could do this to me."

Aizawa placed a comforting hand on Izuku's shoulder. "People can be cruel, and sometimes they don't think about how their actions affect others. But you have to remember that her actions are a reflection of her, not of you."

Izuku nodded, though the hurt didn't lessen. "I just feel so... lost. And there's something else I need to tell you. I've been keeping it to myself for so long, and I don't know who else to talk to."Aizawa's expression remained gentle. "You can tell me anything, Midoriya. I'm here for you."Izuku took a deep breath, his hands trembling around the mug. "I'm bisexual, Mr. Aizawa. I've known for a while, but I've been too scared to tell anyone. I didn't know how people would react, and now with everything that's happened, I just feel even more confused and alone."

Aizawa's eyes softened further, and he squeezed Izuku's shoulder reassuringly. "Thank you for trusting me with this, Midoriya. There's nothing wrong with being bisexual. It's part of who you are, and it doesn't change how strong and brave you are."

Izuku's tears started anew, but this time they were mixed with a sense of relief. "I've been so afraid of being judged. But hearing you say that... it means so much to me."

Aizawa nodded, his expression kind. "You are who you are, and that's something to be proud of. Anyone who can't accept that isn't worth your time. And as for your heartbreak, it will take time to heal, but you have people who care about you and will support you through it."

Izuku wiped his eyes, a small, grateful smile forming on his lips. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. You've always been there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Aizawa pulled him into a warm, reassuring hug. "You're not alone, Midoriya. You've got me, and you've got your friends. We'll get through this together."As they sat there, the storm raging outside, Izuku felt a glimmer of hope. The pain was still there, but with Aizawa's support and understanding, he knew he could face whatever came next. For the first time that night, he felt a sense of peace, knowing he wasn't alone in his journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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