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"That was a fvckin', rockin' show, lads." I said as we left stage. We just played a show in Melbourne, on the second part of our tour, rowyso. So far the tour has been great and I couldn't ask for a better way to live my life. Oh wait, I could; with Marley. Speaking of her, I sent of the letter almost 2 weeks ago and still no response. I hope I sent it to the right address. I had found an address that was under the name Thomas and Jane Franklin in Ohio and I assumed it could've been Marley's parents. I mean, if it wasn't the people who lived there, they could or would send something back to me, telling me to not send any letters and that I got the wrong address.

We piled into the tour bus that was waiting for us behind the arena and headed back to the hotel we were currently staying at. I was exhausted from the show and all I wanted to do was sleep. The boys were buzzing about what had had happened during the show but I could care less what happened. Their laughter brought down my mood a little. I really, really did want to join them but with depression taking control over my mind and body, I wasn't all in the mood to do anything anymore.

"Ashton?" Calum called my name, which broke my gaze from the window. "Yeah?" I answered, scratching the skin behind my ear. "Do you wanna hang out with us when we get back?" he asked. I thought about it, maybe some fun with my 3 best friends wouldn't hurt? I needed to get my mind off some things anyways and maybe having a beer or two with them wouldn't be a bad idea. "Yeah, sure." Calum's face broke out into a huge smile since after countless times of him asking me to come and hang out with them, I had finally said 'yes'. Luke and Michael heard my answer to Calum's question and instantly turned around to smile at me. Maybe I was changing?

Once we got back to the hotel, we all piled out and filed towards the elevator. Luke pressed the number 6 button and the doors closed, secluding us in silence. I tapped my foot on the clean tile floor and waited for the elevator to reach our floor. The last ding of the elevator made me release a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding. I was the first one out so I waited for the rest of them to come out. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, I smell like sweat." I said to Michael, who nodded his head and went to Calum and Luke's room. I slid the key card into Michael and I's shared room, closing the heavy door behind me and making my way to the bathroom to have a hot shower.

I turned the knob of the shower faucet to the left, starting the water. I stripped myself of my clothes and got in, letting the water run down my back and dampen my hair. "Can I join you?" a sweet voice spoke from behind the shower curtain. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Please do." I replied. I heard the shower curtain pull back and someone step in. I opened my eyes to see Marley in front of me, naked. She smiled at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I kissed her nose and placed my hands on her hips. Our chests touched, her head lay in the crook of my neck and mine on her shoulder. I swayed us side to side.

"I've missed you, Ash." she said after a while. I hummed and played with her hair. "Have you missed me?" she asked, leaning her head back and looked at me with her beautiful, green eyes. I grinned, happily down at her. "Every fvcking day." i responded, causing a smile to form on her lips. she leaned into me, placing her lips on mine. "I love you so much." I said, watching her vanish within my arms. I sighed and went on with my shower. While washing my hair and body I couldn't stop thinking about Marley. I was absolutely in love with someone who left me. And I couldn't, and I wouldn't get the thought of her out of my mind until the day I die. I will die alone if that's what it takes. I love Marley Franklin, so much I would take many bullets for her.

I got out of the shower once I finished, drying my body and finding clothes in my suitcase. I looked myself over in the mirror once more before heading over to where my mate's were. I knocked on the door and waited until Luke answered with a large smile on his face. He moved out of the way for me to come in. Michael saw me and got up from his position on the floor to come and hug me. He was already tipsy, you could tell from the amount of beer bottles on the floor and how he walked. "Ashton! We thought you would bail on us." Michael slurred. I giggled and shook my head. "Couldn't miss out on an opportunity like this?" I answered back. Michael smiled at me, patting my back and leaving to go get another beer from the fridge. I sat down next to Calum and watched as Luke desperately tried dancing to the song on the radio. I chuckled lightly, looking down at my crossed legs. I missed this a lot.

"Hey." I turned to look at Calum with a small smile. "I'm glad you finally decided to hang out with us." he said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. "I think I'm getting better." I said under the noise Luke and Michael were making. Calum leaned into me and gave me a tight side hug. "I'm happy that you are."

"Luke, shut up!" Michael shouted at the tall, lanky boy. I laughed as Michael pushed Luke onto the bed and held him down so he couldn't get up. "Michael, let Luke go." I said through my laughter. Michael got up of Luke and glared at him as he walked away. Luke just got back up and started singing and dancing again.

I looked at the 3 boys I had called my best friends for years and smiled. I hadn't had fun like this in a while, and I was kind of hoping I was getting over my depression and, dare I say it, Marley. She was weighing me down from doing anything, just any thought of her in my head brought down my whole mood and I wanted to seclude myself from everyone. I still, and always will, love her. But deep down I still want to hide myself away from Michael, Luke, and Calum. I want her here with me but I also want to rid of my depression I've been in for 2 months.

As it reached 2 in the morning, Michael and I went back to our room. Michael fell asleep instantly, hitting the pillow and knocking out straight away. I stayed up until 4 in the morning, once I saw it was getting lighter, I went to bed.

I fell asleep thinking of a better life.


anyway i would like to just say thank you lots for 2k reads on runaway, it means ALOT to me. honestly, i'll probably get up to like, what, 4k reads and then it'll stop??? runaway isn't the best fanfic out there but i did try hard on it and my writing has improved alot. so thanks again and hopefully returned gets 2k soon??



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