Keep it together Isbell

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Izzy's POV

So what am I going to tell her? That I canýt remember her name? That would be a fucking lie because I can exactly remember every single syllable. Mary Josephine. Though I never caught a last name I don't think. What a lame ass name for a beauty like her. So I decided to give her pet names. Like honey, darlin', or sugar. I think that suits her more. But this, I won't tell her of course.

"It's a lame name, honey." I say instead and feel ashamed of myself to offend her like that.

" mean different."

"I guess it is in your world where everyone has names like Sixx, Axl, And Izzy." She replies calmly and I wonder if she's always going to surprise me like that.

I smile, "There's a Slash and a Duff too. Perfectly normal names." I shrug with my smile widening.

I can feel her body heat next to me and suddenly get very aware that she's almost naked under these sheets. Rolling onto my back, I try to keep my dick in check by staring up at the ceiling. I just can't bring myself to take advantage of her. She seems really innocent. When she looks at me she doesn't look at me like other chicks with their lust filled eyes. I'm starting to wonder if she even knows what that is. Her eyes are always so innocent. She looks at everything like it's the first time she has seen it. It's like the entire world is new to her.

"Why do you keep rescuing me, Izzy?" She asks me.

I let out a sigh, not knowing why she gets to me like that. "I was bored to death." I say. "And I thought you were just some hooker that Nikki sent me. I thought you were playing me. That's the type of shit Sixx does."

She chuckles and I can't help thinking it's the most amazing sound that I ever heard. It's the first time I've heard her do it. I want to make her do it again.

"What convinced you I was telling the truth?"

"I don't know. Maybe that you weren't interested in me for one." God, I wanted her to be interested. Very very interested.

"Thanks for believing my crazy story." She says.

I still can't believe this actually happened to her. And that I even met a girl like her. She's so amazing to me. Somehow in the last twenty four hours she was all I could think about. And in this time I kinda felt like I had been serving a purpose or something. Like just maybe I wasn't such a useless fuck up.

"Yeah. I kinda like being responsible for you." I admit. Worrying about her had curbed my need to

obsess over smack. I assume that's a good thing. However I know it won't last. Eventually I'm

gonna start getting sick. Eventually that craving is going to overtake me and I won't be able to do

anything to stop myself. I really don't want her to have to see me like that. But I know it's coming.

"You don't need to. You're not my father." She says.

I almost groan at the thought. Thank god, I'm not, because all I want to do is grab her and fuck
her. Hard. Get your mind out of the fucking gutter. Change the fucking subject Isbell. Yeah, tell her about the night you got stabbed. Something. Anything you idiot.

"How should I put this" I try to explain my karma-near-death-experience. "The night I got stabbed was weeks before I met you. I went to some dive in Chinatown. Some place Sixx sent us. The old guy who stitched me up told me basically that my Karma is all fucked up because I screw up so much. He told me that if I did good then good would happen. I thought it was all total bullshit. I guess I passed out and started to dream or some shit. I dreamed about you. You came into my room where I was sleeping and asked me to help you. Then...there you were." I pause looking into those eyes. "I think you crossed my path for a reason. I believe I'm supposed to help you."

She makes this tiny noise which sounds like she's disappointed. I am making that up, right? Surely all that didn't disappoint her.

"I'm sorry." She says softly. "I never meant to be such a burden."

Her voice is sad and I roll back on my side to look at her.

"You're not. Quite the opposite, actually." I say and before I can stop myself I admit "I kinda like having you around."

Her lips part as she sucks in a breath and all I can focus on is how delicious they look. I want another taste. I really need another taste. I know I shouldn't but I can't stop myself. Just like a heroin craving. I'm a jerk for thinking about that after what just happened with Sixx, but I can't stop myself. I can't stop.

My hand reaches out automatically and my fingers shove a few strands of red hair out of her face. It feels so fucking silky, I have to cut back the groan that's rising up my throat. I battle my hands to stay off her. A futile effort. I just have to touch her. Her skin feels like velvet. So smooth. So warm. Stop it Isbell. Stop. Nevertheless I keep stroking her hair, watching her intensely.

She shuts her eyes, and I wonder if she's feeling uncomfortable. I pull back my hand. Not wanting to cause her to be uneasy.

"God" She whispers. "Don't stop."

I hesitate as her words roll through me in a wave. I look at her wondering if I heard correctly. Should I touch her again or not? Probably not. YEAH.

"I'm sorry." I let out a cough, my voice sounding rough. "I didn't mean to take liberties...I... I have no idea why I did this." I stutter like a twelve year old. Great Isbell. Normally you'd just go for it instead of acting like a fucking gentleman. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Her bright blue eyes meet mine and I'm paralyzed. What am I doing here? This is wrong of me. I shouldn't be taking advantage of her recent misfortunes. I shouldn't act as though she owes me anything. But dear god I want her so fucking bad right now. I'm a hot damn mess.

"I said: Don't stop." She chuckles. Oh that chuckle. It simply melts me. Then she reaches out to my hand, pulling it back to her face. She presses her cheek against my palm and lets out a small sigh.

Fuck me running backwards. I swear to god I almost jizz my pants. Seriously. This shit hasn't happen to me since seventh grade. Back when it didn't take much more than the wind blowing right.

This is too much. She's responding to my touch and I am hard as a rock. Fuck. If it's possible to be harder than a rock, I'm there. I'm not sure if I can control myself any longer. So I pull back, discreetly trying to adjust my throbbing and hurting junk. I knew lying next to her would be torture. I fucking knew better.

My limitations are being tested. It would be so easy for me to just take her and make her mine. But I know it would be wrong. She needs more than me. She needs someone better. Why can I do no wrong in her eyes? Why does she want me to be this hero and savior? I can't even save myself, let alone her. Why can't she see this?

"Oh boy..." I pant, focusing on the ceiling again. Fuck me what do I do? I'm about to fucking explode.

It's like I have no control over my body with her. I mean yeah, I'm a guy, and I do usually think with my dick. But not like this. I don't think I have ever been in this kind of shape before. What the fuck do I do? Breathe man. Breathe.

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now