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Izzy POV

I wake up, lying on my bed in a strange purgatory again. Fuck me. How in hell did I get back here again? Oh wait, I remember. I was shooting up. Must have been that little bit too much. Told you that shit is hard to dose properly. I'm wondering if I'm dead now for good. I try to move but I can't. I can't be for certain if I even care or not.

I remember my first dream about church girl like this and how good she smelled when she hovered over me. This wasn't my purgatory. This was my heaven. All I can think about is that I can't wait to see her again. Smell her again. Feel her lips on mine. Please let this be my heaven.

The door opens and the bright light is blinding me. I flinch but I can't look away. Even though it hurts my eyes, I don't want to miss that fiery aura thing that was showing around her whole body the last time. I remember she was beautiful. She's always beautiful. The suspense is killing me and I almost forget to breathe. Is breathing even necessary in heaven?

A small figure steps forward and I can see the aura around it. It's not glowing in fiery colors like the last time, it's more a pale blue color. I frown and wonder why it had changed. The colors seem calm and I automatically freeze. What the fuck is going on? Why ain't I feeling warm and cozy anymore?

The figure steps closer and when my eyes finally sharpen the blue blur in front of me, I recognize this person: It's the old Asian dude from Chinatown. What the fuck? Why is he in my heaven? I want that guy fucking gone. I want to go back to my church girl purgatory.

That dude stops at the side of my bed and looks at me with a worried look on his face.

"You not do well, Izzy-San." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Told you your karma no good. Make up for bad karma and change future. You no going right path."

Oh fucking kill me right now. Not that karma bullshit again. Why couldn't that dude just haunt Slash and fucking annoy him with this crap? Oh fuck it. So I just lay here and listen.

"You no going to live long with bad karma, Izzy-san. Remember my words: Do right thing and change fate, before it's too late."

I have no fucking clue what he's talking about. I mean, didn't I make up for all the bad karma shit already by taking the girl with me? What else could that fucker want from me?

"But I saved the girl..." I manage to get out.

If that dude wouldn't fucking talk in riddles all the time, I might actually understand what I had to do.

"Stay strong, Izzy-San. Make her want being saved by you. Bad karma may take your place." The Asian dude says and turns to leave.

"Wait!" I call out. I really need some fucking answers here. "Wait, old man. What does that shit mean? Is someone going to hurt her?"

He turns to me again and steps even closer to the bed. The look on his face is still worried and I can't help freezing again. It's suddenly so fucking cold in here, my body starts shaking.
The guy bows over me, coming uncomfortably close. What is his fucking deal?

I still can't move when I feel his breath on my ear.

"Please don't go." He whispers in my ear. "I need you, Izzy. I love you you stupid jerk"

I blink and try to open my eyes.I hear voices mumbling. They seem so far away and I can't really make out where they come from. I try to focus but I just can't break through that foggy cloud that's covering my brain. What the fuck happened? Where the fuck is that Asian dude and why did he whisper confessions of love in my fucking ear?

My body is shaking and I remember that I'm freezing my ass off. My head hurts like a motherfucker and there's this pressure on my chest. The only thing comfortable right now are warm fingers, caressing my cheeks. Mhhh...This feels like heaven.

When I open my eyes I can see church girl's face in front of me. Her perfect pink lips part and she flashes me the most beautiful smile in the world. I feel dizzy and wonder why she's here.

"Did you just call me a jerk?" I whisper, my voice rough.

Then I feel the pain of a huge needle being pulled from my still beating heart. I writhe in agony a moment feeling like I might have a heart attack. I feel like I got shot up with coke. Like far too much fucking coke.

"What the...fuck?" I gasp and look around at everyone standing around me.

"Nikki saved your fucking life bro," Duff sighs in relief.

Just fucking great. Sixx saved me? I would rather be dead than owe this motherfucker one more payment on my fucking soul! Fuck! Why did it always have to be Sixx who fucking saves my life? What the fuck is this now? Three times? Fuck I already owe him a first born. Already gave him my church girl...what the fuck is left to pay him with?

My eyes meet his, but for once he isn't cold and smirking. He looks...I don't know, dare I say...frightened.

"Dude," Says Tommy's loud bountiful voice, "That shit was so fucking awesome bro! The way Nikki stabbed the needle right in your fucking heart and the way you shot up...Dude I almost shit my pants, I swear to God."

For some reason I can only seem to focus on Nikki. And he's staring dead at me too. I don't know why but the Asian man's voice rings in my ears about Karma again. Was it all connected somehow? Like the way Slash seems to be my bad Karma? Am I Sixx's? Is that why he keeps saving me? For the same reason I keep saving church girl? To better my karma?

There's something about this look in Nikki's eyes. It's like staring into his soul and almost reading his mind. Nikki's talked to the old Asian before. He's heard the same shit I did, hasn't he? I know that fucking look in his eyes. It's almost a de'ja'vu feeling. Then Nikki blinks and looks away.

And my sights fall once more to church girl kneeling next to me holding my hand. There's tears in her eyes. "Oh...Izzy," she says seeming speechless.

I lift my fingers and let them lightly trace her cheek. "I...I thought you'd never talk to me again."

More tears well in her eyes. "You promised you wouldn't leave Izzy...you promised."

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now