Good Karma Izzy-San

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Izzy's POV

We arrived safely in LA. Nikki allowed us to continue staying at his place, despite having trashed it, until we joined them on tour in October. I think it was the happiest I have ever been, well once the withdrawals stopped. It was the single worst experience of my life. I would wish it on no one, no matter w at injustice they had done to me. I'm glad I had made it to Nikki's with all the guys before the delirium sat in. If it was just my girl I would have slung her cross a room to go score.

As I've said, the need sometimes out weighs the risks. I knew I couldn't trust myself. Everyone else knew it too. The guys kept me in fucking check. If I tried to sneak off Axl would be two steps ahead of me. If I got violent, despite how good of friends we all are, they'd knock my lights out. Like really, they literally beat the fuck out of me for a few days. I'm pretty sure Axl cracked a rib. Duff Blacked both my fucking eyes. And Slash almost knocked out my two front teeth. But they kept me sober. And it was easier when I was knocked out. I wasn't mad at them, I was grateful to them. I couldn't have one it without them.

My girl cared for me like a nurse. She cleaned me up when I was bloody. She washed the puke from my hair. She changed my shitty clothes and sheets. She held me while I shook and talked out of my head. She did her best to get food and liquids down me. And she told me she loved me when I cried what a failure I was. And as I lay sleeping, twitching and dreaming, she just wrapped me up in her arms and told me everything would be ok. Lying there with her made me believe it. She was my reason to be a better man. Everything I did, I did for her. I owed her a good life. I was going to see to it that I gave her just fucking that.

I soon got better. The guys weren't, but they had the common decency to not flaunt it in my face all the time. When they did I would always slip. I knew to completely be clean I needed solitude. In my solitude I began to make love to my girl again. Nikki's bedroom had become her classroom. As I had told her, it would come to her, and it had. When she rode my dick and ground her hips into me it was like she had done it a thousand times. She had even had me teach her how to give a blow job.
I'm obviously a fucking epic teacher.

Then the day came than a man named Alan Niven showed up to Nikki's house. It was that visit we thought we would never get. He explained to us that he was responsible for making Crüe stars. He said he quit working for Electra and was with a new company called Geffen. He said Nikki vouched for us and told him to give us a shot. So he listened to our demo that Nikki had and was impressed.

A week later we were signed to Geffen. Finally we were fucking signed! We gave Geffen the highest selling debut record of all time, even to this day. And as luck would have it, we owed it all to Nikki.

So Nikki gave us our big break and in October we went on tour. It was awesome, we rocked the  ans. When we came home we couldn't walk down the street without being recognized. I was a  rock star. We even had cash to go out and get our own places to live. Mary Jo took to the life like she was born for it. We could not have been happier. She never left my side. Not even when I left GNR in 1991. She supported every decision I ever made.

A couple of days before Christmas 1987 Yakinamundo's prediction about Niki came true. Nikki died. It was four minutes in which his heart ceased to beat. He says he left his body and saw himself covered in a sheet, fans standing and gawking. He saw himself put into the ambulance. He says then something rough jerked him back down by his foot. In an instant he was back in his body and staring at two needles stuck in his chest. He was saved. I sure wish I would have got to stab him. I hurt for a month after he jammed that needle in my heart.

Nikki and I actually grew to be close friends. We had been through a lot of things together. Karma had seen to it that our paths cross. Our Karma's went hand in hand somehow. I'd have to make it a point to ask Yakinamundo the answer to that someday. I never thought I'd admit it, but Nikki has actually grown on me. I too see to have become someone he considers a friend. He actually calls me in the middle of the night from time to time to vent instead of get high. I guess this makes me his fucking sponsor or some shit. I was just happy we no longer hated one another.

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now