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After a few muscle spasms in his body accompanied my groans, his body relaxes to a tremble. When he seems to regain his senses a soft cherub like smile graces his lips. He looks into my eyes which are barely parted. They've just witnessed a whole new world with Izzy. Izzy seems as if he can see it all when he looks at me in marvel.

With one last tender kiss to my lips, Izzy rolls on his back and grabs his cigarettes from the nightstand. His free arm pulls me close into him. His smoke just dangling from his lips. For a moment we're both silent. Both still with the exception of his smoking and tracing his fingertips in circles over my bare hips. He's still got that tiny little grin on his lips.

I watch him from the corner of my eyes and drag in his appearance. He is so beautiful. His dark hair is even more messed up than it already was before and the huge amount of jewelry he's wearing stands out against his pale skin. Now I know what 'sexy as hell' means. This, the way Izzy lays here with a sheen of sweat, holding me and smoking, this has to be sexy. It makes me want him to make love to me again.

"W...was I ok?" I meekly ask.

He smirks, "Usually it's me who asks that."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you were.," I blush, "You have so much more experience than I do. But me...all I basically did way lay there. I felt I should have done more."

He lightly brings my hand to his lips and kisses it tenderly a few times, "Baby you were fine. I love you, that's all that matters to me. It'l get easier for you."

"But can you show me how know...reciprocate more." I ask with a gulp

He exhales, "If you're willing to let me darlin', I'd show you everything there is to know. But slowly. I feel compelled not to rush things with you. Let's just take our time and let things evolve naturally. I promise, it'll come to you on your own."

I nod and silence blankets us once more. I felt so different, like a woman. I didn't feel so stupid when it came to sex. I was so glad Izzy finally showed me. I hoped he would do it again soon. Nothing compared to the feeling he had just given me. I could make love to him constantly.

"I'm sorry about ignoring you in Vegas," I softly say, "I was just so embarrassed and stupid and inexperienced."

"Don't be baby, it made me realize what you meant to me. All I could think of was how to get you back again. I just knew it was Sixx who was doing this stuff with you. It made me puke countless times when I actually though about it. It fucking killed me."

"Was your overdose my fault?" I question with a lump in my throat.

"Don't blame yourself for that one honey. You didn't turn me into a junkie, I did that one all by myself. And when you wee with Sixx...I just didn't care about anything but killing the pain. I just kept trying to make it all numb. I didn't want to deal with the agony of losing you. So I did what a fucking junkie does."

"I loved what you were playing in front of Nikki's bedroom in Vegas. When you played the guitar and sang... I didn't even know you sang, you never mentioned it. We were prohibited from listening to music back home. It's ...well, I think it's my most favorite thing in the world." I break the silence and cuddle even closer to him.

"So, your most favorite thing, huh?" he asks with a grin as he ashes his cigarette.

I can't hold back a giggle.

"Now... uhm... maybe not my most favorite thing. I reply and blush a little.

God, the sex had been great. Nothing at all like I had been imagining. Not like the church had taught me. Yep, definitive my most favorite thing in the whole world. I'm sure nothing would ever beat that.

"So what was that what you were playing?" I dare to ask again.

"Just something you inspired me to." He shrugs and takes a drag of his cigarette.

"You do this a lot? I mean, sing? You look different then," I say. "I confess I watched you through the peephole often."

"When I play and sing, I don't feel pressure. It's my peace." He says and puts a feathery kiss on my temple.

"Father Sebastian used to preach that the devil could speak to us through the lyrics."

"I guess that just happens if your name is Nikki Sixx." Izzy chuckles.

Izzy's Pov

I've never felt this relaxed. I'm not even ripping about getting high. I feel high already. High on my church girl and the throws of the best sex of my entire life. I never know it could be like this. All I feel is a contentment of love. One I pray never fades.

That night she sleeps in my arms and i can't help feeling like the luckiest fucker alive. I can't even measure the withdrawal I know has to be lurking just around the corner. It can fucking wait until morning at least. I'm not leaving her, not when I just got her here. For once I love something more than fucking smack. Yet, by morning, I know my views will be slightly skewed.

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now