Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Well, where did the truck come from love."
"I'm not sure, mum, it felt like it was there, but then it fades, maybe I'm cracking up."
" Don't be silly, love. The only person cracking up is your father. Although his phone call was strange, as if he was expecting you to be injured for another reason."

About 11 am Amy had a visitor. The meeting went on for about an hour, and when he left, Amy couldn't stop smiling .
Marion came in after he left and saw that smile on Amy's face.
"Well, what did he have to say, love?"
"I've been invited to join The Canadian Equestrian Team on a tour of friendly competition Shows. I can't wait."
Marion thought that this was just what Amy needed to give her a boost.
"Did he say anything about the way you look? You know the dark circles and your head bandages."
"Yes, I explained what happened, and by the time we go on the tour, I'll be all healed up."
"Okay then, clinic tomorrow and get you some medication to get rid of those dark circles, probably a vitamin deficiency."

The following day, Amy went and picked up her tablets after a long interrogation by the doctor, as Amy referred it to.
She was asked a lot of personal questions about her sex life , and she explained that she didn't have a sex life yet. Amy didn't want to go into it about her and Ty waiting till they were married. Eventually, the doctor gave her vitamins and some low dose antidepressants to help her.
They had dinner, and then Amy told Ty in front of her mum about her trip with the Canadian Equestrian Team
"What, how long for, what about the wedding, Amy?".
"Ty, it's only for six weeks, and we do not leave for at least a month. Are you not happy for me?".
Ty suddenly walked out and drove off. Amy started crying, and as Marion was about to comfort her daughter, Ty walked back in and knelt down by her side, apologising for his rash decision. Then he made another one, "Can we get married in two weeks' time? Is it doable?"
"Yes, it is Ty," said Marion.
"Amy, I promise, I will never leave you on your own."

After two weeks, Amy and Ty were married, and two weeks later, she was off on the Tour, Onyx was with all the other horses, and he always caught people's attention. His coat was so short and always shining. He was a beautiful horse, and Amy's Livery was always bright white to show off his black coat.
Marion and Amy's husband Ty had seen her off very early this morning. However, Marion was looking for another Ranch hand as Ty had got a new job as a Mechanic, which was full-time, very good wages , a lot more than Marion could pay, he had a wife now and he also thought that working together and living together would be too much.
Marion had the team's website so she could follow their progress.

Two Weeks Later

They were doing really well, and marion always noticed how Amy was smiling. She looked like a different young woman.
Marion was busy and putting a lot of extra hours in. The new Ranch Hand Karl was working out really well. He'd worked on many a ranch, and he also found the work that Marion was doing very interesting. Marion spoke about Amy, a lot.
"Hey, Karl fancy a coffee." Yes, please , thanks."
"Meet in the kitchen in 15 minutes okay".
"Great, thank you."

Marion was just pouring two coffees when there was a knock on the door. She quickly looked and waved Karl to walk in. "Just walk in Karl. If you've been asked or we're expecting you, then just open the door."
"Oh okay, thank you, Marion."
Karl was looking at some photo frames on a shelf in a bookcase.
"That's me and my youngest daughter Amy. She's been winning Show Jumping shows since she was little."
"Amy's the one who's on tour, I take it."
"Yes, that's right."
Marion sat down and went through the things that had happened over the last few years and how this trip would hopefully boost her confidence. They chatted for a couple of hours, and Marion found how nice it was to talk to someone who actually seemed interested for a change, unlike her husband.
"I think you and Amy will work really well together, Karl."

"To be honest, I'd like that Mrs Fleming. "
"How many times must I ask you to call me Marion?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry."
There was a knock on the door, and then Ty walked in.
"Oh, hello Ty, Karl, this is Amy's husband, Ty. This is my new Ranch Hand Karl."
They were both civil, but Ty saw the look on Karl's face when he realised that Amy was Married, he could see that Karl may be trouble.

The six weeks went past really quickly, and Marion and Ty were on the porch waiting for Amy to arrive back home.
They dropped Amy off first and then headed back to their base of operations in Toronto.
Marion was there as soon as Amy walked around the back, taking Onyx off one of the stable hands, and another took Amy's Tack into the barn.
Marion, Ty, and Amy waved goodbye to the team and then put Onyx in his stall. Karl followed them out

"Karl, I'd like you to meet my daughter Amy in person."
"Oh, hi Amy, how did the showjumping tour go?."
"Err, it was great, thanks."

"I'd better go and catch up to Amy. Would you like dinner tonight, Karl?"
"I'd like that, thanks very much, Marion. "
"You're welcome, see you later."

" Amy and Marion sat in the lounge room with coffee and had a good chat about the sìx weeks she was away. Marion saw a big difference in Amy and was glad the trip helped her, along with the medication the doctor had prescribed her.
Dinner was soon ready, and they were all having a laugh, Ty was telling Amy about the death of his brother when they were younger and how his younger sister helped him hold it together.

The following morning, Marion was up making coffee and starting breakfast when she saw Amy rush to the bathroom. Even though she'd shut the door, Marion could hear she was being sick. Marion waited for her to come out of the bathroom.
"You alright love."
"No, I'm going to phone the doctor's. It started yesterday morning, but I thought it may be because I was looking forward to getting home. But it's the same today.

To be continued

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