Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Marion was furious, she'd explained to Amy what her father had said, but Amy still wanted the police involved and the bloke arrested.
Amy heard Ty pull up and ran out to meet him. She jumped up, putting her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
"Whoah, are you pleased to see me by any chance, as he recieved lot's of kisses."
Amy put her legs down and took out the scan from her back pocket, then she placed it into Ty's hand.
Ty looked at it, then Amy, then the penny dropped, rather slowly.
"What's wrong, Ty? I thought you'd be happy."
"I thought we agreed to wait till we were older, Amy."
"NO,that's what YOU dictated to me , and I said NO. It's my body Ty and I want a family earlier than later. You do know that something could happen, and the worst-case scenario could mean I never get the chance to have children."
"What could happen Amy, you're being stupid. and overthinking things as usual. "
"Do not call me stupid, I also want to tell you that when I got knocked off Onyx I was attacked by someone my father owes money too, that's why I had two wounds to the back of my head. He also wanted to have sex with me, but thankfully, he was disturbed and took me out of his truck, then left me where you and mum found me."The police are on their way."
"You do come up with such stories, Amy. Honestly, I'm embarrassed. "
"Fuck you Ty."
Amy then walked away leaving Ty with his mouth open.

Amy and Her mum sat on the porch as Amy was crying at what Ty had said when they saw the police approaching the ranch house.
Ty had taken a horse out as he was in a foul mood.
They stood up and welcomed the two Detectives when a shot rang out. They looked over to the direction of the gunshot, but Marion didn't see Amy.
She looked round and saw her daughter laying in a pool of blood on the porch floor.
Marion bent down to Amy, just as a bullet grazed Marion's shoulder.
The detectives then looked at Amy and phoned for an ambulance and assistance as the bullet had nicked her brachial artery. They pulled her into the house staying low and applying pressure. Backup police cruisers arrived quickly, but the shooter was no longer there.
The phone rang, but Marion ignored it, letting it go to voice mail, she was in shock and was too busy looking at her daughter bleeding. The message played as soon as he started talking.
"Keep your mouths shut Flemings. This was a warning. Next time, Tim Fleming, your little girl is dead, I want my money."
Then the call ended.
The detectives looked at each other, knowing this was serious.

After they were on their way to the hospital, the police went looking for Tim Fleming.
Ty was coming back from exercising a couple of the horses when he saw police and an ambulance driving up the Ranch road.
Ty quickly put the horses away, then ran to the ranch house. He bounced up the steps onto the porch and saw blood. He quickly walked in and saw a lot more of it all over the floor with a mess of what the paramedics had been using to stem the flow. The police were still there as it was a crime scene.
The police pounced on him as soon as he got in. They wanted to know who he was and what he was doing there.
Ty explained who he was and showed them his I.D. , even showed them his and Amy's wedding photos.
They informed him when he asked what happened, that a young woman had been shot, and that her mother was also injured. They then asked him to listen to the message and see if he recognised the voice. Ty felt a cold shiver run through him when he listened to what the man said. He didn't recognise the voice, though. Ty jumped into his truck and drove to the hospital .

The police were looking for Tim, but so far, no one had seen him. The police thought they knew who was responsible, but finding any connection was proving difficult as he always got others to do his dirty work.
Ty arrived at the hospital and was taken through to A&E, where he told them that Amy was his wife. He saw Marion, who was alright, thankfully.
"Are you okay, Marion? I couldn't believe what I saw when I got back."
"Yes, thank you, Ty, I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to phone you, Amy's still in surgery. She's lost so much blood . The shooter hit her Brachial Artery, and I think this has something to do with Tim and his gambling. I bet he owes them money."
"You mean that this was a warning."
"Yeah, I think and hope it was. Have a seat, Ty, and I'll bring you up to date."
"Oh my god, Marion, I can't believe someone would want to do that to her. Has she definitely lost our baby."
"Yes, Ty, she lost so much blood, her blood pressure dropped so fast her heart stopped twice, I'm so sorry for both of you. She's a fighter, Ty. we have to pray she's strong enough. Do me a favour, Ty.
Please find Tim and tell him I want to see him urgently. "
"Okay , let me know when she wakes up."
"Will do Ty, thank you, I expect to see at least one black eye on his face , okay.".
"Yep, okay."

Ty couldn't do anything else as Amy was still in surgery. He certainly didn't know what he was in for when Amy finally came around. For some reason, he thought Amy was easily led. Now, though, he saw the real pissed off Amy who won't be a yes sir ,no sir young woman. Will she still love him enough to stay together.
Just as he entered Main Street in the city, he saw Tim, a little tipsy. Ty parked up and went to get him.

To be continued

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