Delaying the inevitable

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Chapter 6

Delaying the inevitable

"There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. "

-James Russell Lowell

Katie had a choice to make right now. The right choice would be to be honest. Tell Oliver about what happened with Felix Faust finally introducing himself. He would be worried, probably never leave her unattended again, and more than likely decide that he would need that hood and the team to fight the man. She knew the right choice, which made what she did next that much more terrible.

"Uh, yeah, got turned around on some road with a lot of trees." she said walking toward her car. "And then my car decided to crap out which is weird because it was fine all day."

"I'm on my way."

"Liver, you don't—I can call like a tow truck or something."

"Twinkie, you're alone on the side of the road, I'm coming to get you. Just keep talking to me."

Katie dropped to sit on the hood of her car, her phone still pressed to her ear because she knows there would be no convincing Oliver not to come save her.

"Maybe this is all part of your evil plan. Lure me to the middle of nowhere, make me disappear, so you never have to admit that you have fallen out of love with me."

Oliver chuckled. "First of all, I'm kicking myself because I know you're prone to getting lost and I should've just met you at the house so we could come out here together."

"I am not prone to getting lost and what the hell is out here other than big foot."

"I will show you when I find you. You're actually not that far."

Katie narrowed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Liver, do you have a tracker on my phone, because if you do, I'm calling that tow truck and going home."

"It's only for emergencies!" He tried to justify it. "And I just can't access it, Felicity has to send it to me, and I have to give her a very good reason. My wife being prone to getting lost is one of them."

Katie heard a car before she saw it and lifted her eyes to see it in the distance. As it neared, she realized it was Oliver who came to a stop in front of her car. She slid off the hood and ended the call, putting her phone into her pocket as Oliver stepped out of his car and walked over. She noticed he'd changed since she last saw him. He brought his arms around her and placed a kiss to her lips.

"You ok?"

"I've had better days." she held his gaze, keeping her features cool. She didn't want to give any indication that she was attacked moments before he arrived. "Look, I don't know what sort of last minute birthday thing you're trying to do, but I would rather just go home, eat ice cream and watch old movies."

Oliver didn't say anything, before pulling away and heading over to her car. He reached inside, and grabbed her purse and keys and locked the door.

"I'll have someone to come pick up your car." Oliver handed the purse to her and pocketed the keys before bringing an arm around her and leading her to his car. He pulled open the door and she turned to him. "This isn't something I put together last minute. This is something I've planned for months, so please get in the car."

Katie just shook her head, but turned and got into the car.

The drive was quiet, both realizing how long it's been since they've been out of the house with no kids. The moment Katie realized it, she turned to Oliver.

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