Crisis on Earth-X Part II

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Chapter 14

Crisis on Earth-X Part II

"In a crisis, don't hide behind anything or anybody. They're going to find you anyway. "

-Bear Bryant

They were able to catch one of the masked nazi attackers, and so they brought him to Star Labs to question him.

While the others got the prisoner situated, Oliver and Katie stood in a room alone as Katie paced back and forth. She glanced over to Oliver who hadn't said a word since they walked in. She knew she couldn't keep this from him for much longer and if her fears were correct, and Felix was tied to this attack, then their problems were even bigger than she thought. She finally stopped pacing and turned to face him.

"It was my birthday, I was headed to this surprise you had waiting for me, when my car stopped." she let out a deep breath. "I got out of the car, and he appeared." Oliver frowned, but didn't say anything. "Felix Faust appeared." Oliver clenched his jaw and dropped his head. " I know I should've told you, but-" he cut his eyes back to her and just shook his head.

"No," he said lifting a hand for her to stop talking. "Just stop." He took a step back. "I'm going to see if they've gotten this guy to talk. Just-" he scoffed. "You know what, just do what you want."

"Liver, wait, I-"

He didn't wait. He walked out of the room and Katie groaned as she slapped a hand on a nearby table.

Oliver walked out to find the others. Felicity spotted him and walked over.

"Is she ok?" Felicity asked and Oliver turned to her.

"Did you know?"

"Did I know what?" Felicity asked confused.

"Did you know that she saw Felix Faust?" Oliver asked and Felicity's eyes widened.

"What? Of course not. Is that-" Felicity turned. "Did he do something to her?" she turned back to Oliver who just turned away. "Well what did she say? What happened?"

"I can't talk to her right now." Oliver said moving around the woman to head over to Barry.

Felicity looked over to him with a furrowed brow before she hurried through the doors in search of Katie.

She found Katie alone in a room, pacing back and forth.

"Are you ok?" Felicity asked.

"He's angry." Katie replied, not stopping her feet as she continued walking from one end of the room to the other. "I knew he was going to be angry."

"Yeah, apparently you've seen the guy we've heard is from another universe that's here to kill you," Felicity replied. "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell someone?"

"I did!" Katie snapped turning to the woman. "I did. I told Constantine and Zatanna, because this is what they do. They fight the mysterious magic man so I don't have to. So I can live a nice, happy life with my husband and my kids." Katie shook her head. "I didn't say anything to Oliver or to you because it was a fight I did not want to get in the middle of and I didn't want any of you to get in the middle of either." she slid a hand through her head. "A lot of good that did."

"What is Faust doing?" Felicity asked and Katie turned her.

"I don't know really. For the past couple of weeks he's just been sort of magically torturing me. It's just been excruciating headaches and body aches. It started the night Thea woke up from the coma."

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