Problem Solving

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Problem Solving

"Just because we can't find a solution it doesn't mean that there isn't one."

- Andrew Wiles

Sometimes Oliver had a habit of not thinking things through. Especially when it came to his wife. It has only been a couple of weeks since Katie started as the project director for second chance. She had an office and a team, on a different floor and yet, ever so often, he would see her in passing.

This very moment he was walking with Quentin and Rene when he heard her laughter. He lifted his head to see her down the hall talking with someone he couldn't see, but in that moment, he only focused on her.

"At this point, we don't know-" Quentin glanced over to Oliver who was not paying attention. He followed Oliver's eyes and sighed. "You know I had hope."

"I didn't." Rene chuckled before moving around Oliver down the hall, nudging his arm.

"Huh?" Oliver turned back to Quentin. "What?"

"We should talk." Quentin continued on toward Oliver's office.

Oliver glanced back only to find that Katie was gone, and he let out a sigh before going into his office. He walked over to sit behind his desk before looking over to Quentin.

"You look like you have something to say."

"I do, but I'm not sure how much trouble it's going to get me in." Quentin sat in the chair in front of the desk. "I was all for the doc coming here, and heading up second chance."

"And has that changed?"

"No, she and her team hit the ground running. I have a meeting with them after this actually." Quentin eyed the man for a moment. "You're the problem. You completely disappear if she's within the vicinity and you don't come back until she's gone. Have you ever worked with her before this? I mean you two were on the team?"

"Except she was barely on the team." Oliver slid a hand over his face before looking over to Quentin. "Because I couldn't focus when she was around."

"And you didn't think to mention that when you hounded me about getting her this job."

"I thought I'd gotten past it." Oliver sat back in his seat with a shake of his head. "Don't worry, I will get past it." he nods over to the man. "What is the meeting about?"

"Just a check in. They'd come up with a plan that included which programs they wanted, a number of staff and possible locations. Today they're letting me know how much it's all going to cost." Oliver nods. "You know everyone loves her around here."

"I know." he chuckled. "Here, she's the popular kid and I'm the guy who stares at her from afar." Quentin laughed as he stood to his feet. "Am I supposed to be in this meeting?"

"I mean, you're not needed at this phase. Though I can't stop you if you wanted to sit in. I would advise against it until you get yourself together."

Katie suffered from impostor syndrome immensely. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, or why someone thought she should be in charge, and for some reason she was the only one questioning it.

When she walked into her office, she came to a stop to find her team waiting for her. She called them her dream team. It was a team of four. Apparently Quentin put requests for volunteers to assist her on the project. He said he'd gotten over fifty, and had to pick only four. Katie asked if that number could be whittled down to three because she had someone in mind that didn't work in City Hall. So he picked Rene, one of the in house project associates, Tamera Berger, and someone from legal, Adam Becker. Her pick was someone she knew she could count on, Claire Hastings.

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