Crisis on Earth-X Part III

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Chapter 15

Crisis on Earth-X Part III

"In a crisis, don't hide behind anything or anybody. They're going to find you anyway. "

-Bear Bryant

"It was too easy."

The gravelly voice broke through consciousness, and Katie harshly jerked back to reality. Once awake, she realized she was standing, her arms tied with rope above her head by the wrists. She's standing in the center of a drawn circle with symbols she doesn't recognize and candles surrounding her.

Soon his face appeared in front of her. Felix Faust, with a smile as he reached forward and let his hand slide down the sweat dampened skin of her cheek.

"I was hoping for a better fight out of you."

"Me too," spoke a voice from somewhere in the room.

Katie lifted her head because the voice sounded like her husband, but she's pretty sure it wasn't him. The man stood in the corner of the room.

"You know you were the one we assumed would put up the biggest fight. And some how this was the easiest part of the entire plan." Dark Arrow turned to Felix. "How much longer?

"We're ready. Once Thawne gives the go ahead we should-" Felix turned his head and groaned. "We have a problem." he turned back to Earth-X Oliver. "The Magi and sorcerer are back."

"Can you handle them?" Dark Arrow asks.

"I won't even break a sweat." Felix lifted a hand, opening a portal and stepped through.

Once he was gone, the Dark Arrow turned back to Katie whose eyes were open, and yet she had yet to speak. He walked over to her, his eyes once again looking at her in a way she wouldn't describe as hate.

"This place really does produce weakness." he says, before lifting a hand to her cheek, but she jerked away. "But there's some of her in you." he took another step closer, the distance between them non existent. "She was tough, and she had a tongue that could bite. A formidable opponent." a slight smile curled at his lips. "But she was also soft. And warm."

Katie looked back to him in confusion before looking behind him. He followed her eyes, turning back, now realizing his wife was standing there, and he quickly stepped away from the woman.

"Faust is dealing with the Constantine and Zatanna problem. But he says it shouldn't take long. He should be ready whenever Thawne is."

Overgirl didn't respond, her eyes looking from him to the woman tied up behind him. He sighed, before walking over to her.

"We're almost there. Soon you will be better and then we can continue the mission." he smiled as he placed a hand on her arms.

Overgirl turned her eyes back to her husband wanting to call him out. She knew he loved her, but she also had suspicions sometimes.

"I never questioned it." she suddenly said and he looked back to her in confusion. "I would watch you fight her, and I could see it on your face. You enjoyed it. You were obsessed with her."

"You should be careful." he said taking on a tone she knew too well. It was him, reminding her of her place. He slid an arm around her, and they both looked over to Katie. "She is going to die, so you can live."

"So this won't be a problem, like the last time?" she asked looking over to him.

The man didn't immediately turn to her, his eyes still staring over to Katie. Soon they heard footsteps, and turned to see Thawne already changed into his surgical gear.

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