Just Winging It

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Chapter 8

Just Winging It

"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time. "

-Leonard Bernstein

Everything got screwed up. They had a plan. In Felicity's opinion, it was clear. Everyone knew what they were supposed to do. She should've known it would go to shit. Her and Alena walked through the club, before they reached a back room they assumed they'd find the dealer they were looking for, named Amnesiac. Once brought into the room, they had him talking, but not even five minutes later a masked Bruce comes barreling in, beating the crap out of everyone.

Felicity angrily began searching through the dealer's things.

"You know me not wanting you to come here with us, was more than just me wanting to do this alone." she turned to Bruce. "Look at you, with your Bruce Wayne face. What if someone saw you?"

"I can handle it." Bruce replied just as annoyed. "What I can not handle is you going after some criminal without back up."

"I get that Bruce, really I do and I love you for always being so-" she lifted her hands and let out a slight groan. "So you, but right now I don't need that. What I need is a ghost mirror drive and I need to get Alena out of here before they come to." she turned around, once again looking through the man's computer before grabbing the drive.


"We'll talk about this later." she replied before moving around him to Alena.

Ethan stood in the elevator of the bunker as it headed down. He closed his eyes, unable to get that conversation out of his head. He didn't want to believe her. He couldn't believe her. Laurel, his Laurel was out there, and he was going to find her. When the doors open, he stepped out, walking over to the other who just looked at him.

"So I guess, you're not dead." Dinah said with a look of annoyance. "Disappearing was kind of a dick move. That's not how this team works."

"I went after her." Ethan said folding his arms over his chest.

"You went after Black Siren?" John asked and Ethan just nods. "Are you out of your mind? Do you know how dangerous that could've been for you?"

"She didn't hurt me. She was more upset I was even there and not at the hospital." Ethan sighed as he turned away. "I just needed to ask her if she has any idea how I get my wife back."

"What did she say?" Rene asked and Ethan turned to him.

"She lied." Ethan slid a hand over his face. "That's all she's been doing is lying. These murders have a purpose."

"We know." John replied. "We realized that before you got here. These people, their lives seemed to be boring on purpose. To make them invisible."

"You think they're covers?" Ethan stepped forward, his eyes glancing down to the monitors to look at the victim profiles. "So there may be a link between them." he lifted his eyes to the others. "Any idea what that is?"

"No, I might not be able to figure out where she's headed, but I might be able to figure out where she was." Curtis stood and walked over to John. "Now, Sonic cries leave ripples in the air. I might be able to backtrace where Laurel's been and maybe even find out a pattern, maybe even determine where she's operating out of."

"I heard two mights and two maybes, but I'll take it." John said. "In the mean time, I'll try to raise Felicity. If anyone is able to hack through the covers of these people's identities, it's her." he turned his eyes to Ethan. "Walk with me."

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