Unexpected Obstacles

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Chapter 9

Unexpected Obstacles

"Life is not what you expect: it is made up of the most unexpected twists and turns."


Today was not going to be a good day. Katie had the thought the moment she woke up. She glanced over to see Oliver was not lying beside her. She sighed as she sat up from the bed just as Oliver stepped out of the bathroom holding his phone.

"You're taking your calls in the bathroom now?" she stood to her feet and stretched a bit as he walked over to her and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"I didn't want to wake you." he replied before placing the phone down. "That was Slade." he glanced over to Katie whose back was now to him. "You don't like this."

"I didn't say anything." she replied turning back to him.

"Exactly, you haven't said anything, and yet I just know that you don't like this." Oliver sighed. "He helped me on that island to find William and Ari. He didn't have to but he did. I owe him."

Katie simply shrugged before walking over to grab her robe and sliding it on. She began walking to the door when Oliver spoke again.

"What did Nick say about communication?" he smiled when he heard her groan, but she stopped and turned to him. "Twinkie, I'm here, I'm listening, whatever you want to say, say it. I don't want this to be this thing between us, when things have been going good."

"He wants you to help him find his son." Katie says and Oliver nods. "Ok, so I understand why you're doing this, he helped you find our kids, you help him find his son. I'm just afraid of what all of this will entail." she walked over to stand in front of him, sliding her hands over his chest. "I need you to be safe and I need you to come out the other end of whatever this will be in one piece. And I need you to be here on Ari's birthday because I'm getting her a cake and she's going to blow out the candles." Oliver smiled before bringing his lips to hers.

"Deal." he replied, pressing another kiss to her cheek. "Plus I already promised her that since I missed her birthday last year, I wouldn't miss it this time. I'm not breaking that promise."

She pressed another kiss to his lips before turning and heading for the door. She pulled it open, not expecting to see her daughter, clad in her princess pajamas lying on the floor, Harry curled up beside her.

"You forgot to set the child lock on Robyn's door." Katie groaned as Oliver walked over and let out a chuckle at the sight of his daughter.

"That lock is too complicated." Oliver said before walking over to pick Robyn up.

"The lock is too complicated." Katie muttered as she followed and Oliver turned to her. "I am going to show you again, and you're going to pay attention. No more distractions."

"Except you're the distraction." he replied before he pressed a kiss to her cheek. He turned around and headed downstairs while Katie knocked on Ari's door and then Will's.

"First wake up call!" she announced. "Next one will be accompanied by very loud, obnoxious Christmas music." it didn't take long before both doors opened and a smile came to Katie's face. "Darn, just when I was about to bust out N'SYNC's christmas album." she laughed as she continued down the hall back toward her room to follow her own instructions. "Shower, clothes, and then breakfast."

Bruce woke up confused. He remembers going to bed lying next to his wife, and then the next morning she was gone. It had become sort of normal routine with the whole trying to get pregnant thing that there would always be night sex and morning sex, which he's grown fondly accustom to.

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