The Slippery Slope of Deception

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Chapter 12

The Slippery Slope of Deception

"Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it."

-Albert  Camus

Moments ago, Black Siren and three members of Cayden's thugs, just walked out of Sunderland Corp to steal a nano thermite device. It wasn't difficult at all, which was a bit disappointing. They were headed back out to the van that was parked in the alley behind the building, when she turned at the sound of a grunt. One of her men was now a few feet away, unconscious on the ground.

"We have a problem." Black Siren spoke to Cayden through the earpiece. "I think the pains in my ass are here."

"That's not possible, there's no way they were alerted to that break in." Cayden replied.

Black Siren turned to see a second man, just as a rope is tied around his throat before he's lifted up into the dark sky. Her and the final guy moved in closer, as he held up his gun.

"Well someone is here. Do you have eyes?"

"The surveillance isn't showing anything that I can see." Cayden replied. "You need to get out of there now."

Black siren turned to the man and nods before they turned to get into the van.

"What do you have there in that fancy box?" came the distorted voice.

Black siren turned to see a masked girl, hood over her head and flame on her chest.

"Did you steal that, because stealing is wrong." Firelight says taking a step forward.

"You're a child," the woman said looking over the girl. "I don't like children."

Black siren took a step forward, stopping when the last man is caught with a rope around his neck that sends him flying off into the air leaving her standing there with no back up. Soon another masked child jumps from the darkness to stand beside the girl.

"I'm ninety five percent sure children don't like you either." the boy's modulated voice spoke. "Hand over the box now."

A smile pulled at Black Siren's lips at their attempts to be intimidating. It was almost cute. But she was getting annoyed.

"Sorry kids, but I think it's your bedtime."

Black Siren says before opening her mouth and letting out a slightly timid sonic cry. There wasn't much force, but it should've sent them flying back and yet the two annoying children didn't even budge.

"Yeah, we anticipated that." Firelight said turning her head to reveal the ear plugs she may have borrowed from the bunker the last time she was there. She knew they were only prototypes that probably couldn't stand up against a stronger sonic scream, but they were something. She took another step forward. "Hand over the case now."

"I don't think so, and if you two don't leave, I may be forced to put you over my knee and give you the spanking your parents should've given you." Black Siren took a step forward bringing her toe to toe with the girl.

"God, I was hoping you would say that." Ari replied and in the next second, she drops, and slides a leg underneath the woman's feet, knocking her on her back. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."

"Well I hope it's all you ever dreamed."

Black siren kicked a foot into Ari's ankle, causing the girl the scream before stumbling back. The woman jumped to her feet, when Robin threw his rope around her wrists before running over and jumping on her back, tightening the rope around her neck.

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