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𝐏𝐫𝐞 - 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜a𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞

A body lands on top of mine and I groan aloud instantly, having just been asleep and my eyes instantly open to see my brother, who's now laughing his ass off as he puts all of his weight on top of me.

"Really Eli?" I snap, fully annoyed and a bit pissed off that of all ways to get me up and out of bed, he decided that jumping on top of me was the best choice this morning.

"Oh come on Mir, it's a little funny." He says through his laughter, and I roll my eyes before I shove him off me, to which he falls off my lap and the bed and lands on the carpeted floor of my room with a rather loud thump. "What the fuck?" He asks and I laugh.

"That's for jumping on me and waking me up, asshole." I say as I toss my blanket to the side and get up from my bed, offering my hand to help him.

He rolls his eyes before he takes my extended hand and I hoist him up and off the floor.

"What's going on up there?" Our dad's voice hollers from downstairs and I cover my mouth with my hand as laughter spills free, and Eli only shoots me a dirty look before walking to my half open door.

"Nothing dad, I just tripped." Eli shouts as he holds the door open wider.

"Is your sister up?" He asks and I roll my eyes before trailing behind my brother and to the door.

"I'm up dad." I shout in response.

"Breakfast in ten." He says before it goes quiet and I look to Elijah and shove his head.

"Get out of my room." I say to which he turns to me with a glare and I only smile as I shove him the rest of the way out of my room and shut the door once he's fully out of my room.

I pad over to my dresser and grab some clothes for the day, not doing too much because it's the weekend but I'm not going to lounge in pajamas all day, so I settle for some jeans and a faded shirt from when I was a freshman.

I put on some fresh deodorant, change my clothes, and then grab a hair tie from my dresser and toss my hair into a ponytail, not caring how it looks because I have no plans today.

All of my friends are busy and for once, between basic training, sports, and homework I have some time off.

I look at hair in the small mirror on my dresser and when I don't see any large chunks of hair sticking out of my updone hair, I leave my room and head for the kitchen.

When I hit the kitchen, my brother and sister are both seated at the table watching the tv from the living room and our dad is scrambling eggs in a bowl.

"Need any help?" I ask to which our dad half turns his head toward me and shakes his head.

"I can handle eggs I think." He says and I snort before holding my hands up and taking a seat at the table.

"Hey, I wasn't sure what you have planned so I figured I'd ask." I say and he turns back to the eggs in the bowl.

"I got it." He says before pouring the eggs into the skillet and they sizzle as they hit the hot pan.

"Mira, can we go out and play later?" Danika asks from her seat with a hopeful glint in her eye and I smile at her in return.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I ask her and she ponders for a second, not having expected me to agree because normally I'm hardly home or too busy to do anything with her, or really anyone else for that matter.

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