Chapter 1-Once a Past

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Hello readers! I would like to say beforehand that this is not one of my better works. I do say this truthfully. However, if you do choose to continue.... enjoy!

Once upon a time, there lived a poor little girl in the dirty streets of the human world. With her parents gone and her having to survive alone, she became strong and stiff. As the little girl grew older, she learned dark secret of heart-break, forever sealing her heart in a wall of steel. From that day forward she decided never to want to love again. With her heart set, she became one of the best thieves around, cold-hearted and smart. She went by the code name "Nightstrike". Nobody knew who this thief was, or how to stop them. She was as fast as lightning and left without a trace when morning came. However, one day she was finally caged.

Her jail was those crystal green eyes and light blonde hair. With one flash of that dazzling smile she bowed down, her steel heart broken by the man. The man was captivated by this poor little thief and his heart fell for her.

The two ran off together, never wanting to stop staring into each other's love struck eyes, and not caring about the world. The girl forever knew that he was only hers and he knew that she was only his. Then they lived happily ever after.

Except, that's not how the story went. That 'happily ever after' never happened. Actually, everything in the last two paragraphs never happened.

I sigh as I stare at the person in the mirror. Brown eyes with tints of gold stared back at me. The hair was golden brown, but dirty and untamed in a messy pony tail. She shivers as a pulsing light comes from her shoulder.

I pry myself away from the mirror, surprised at the timing of the pulsing. I pull my shirt down to expose my shoulder were the thick black dragon tattoo was located. The scales were pulsing green giving me a clue to the creatures I will meet soon.

The first part of the story is true. My parents did leave me when I was young, and I did grow up to be a thief. My heart was broken and was now covering in steel. However, no one is saving me from this hell called Earth.

I don't steal from humans, they are too easy. I steal from mythicals, or used to. The one thing I have to thank my parents for giving me is my dragon tattoo that snaked around my shoulder and down my forearm.

No, I am not mythical. I am just a human that is........not human, but certainly not mythical.

"Syrina! Everyone is doing this, LETS GO!"

I growl under my breath. I am currently in week two of mythical academy. The school that I was stuffed into after my 'vampire' side was shown during a heist. I didn't know I was a mythical, until the night I woke up with an aching pain in my mouth and two bodies covering in blood next to me in an alleyway.

I tuck in the silver dagger in my bra, the cold metal pressing into my bare skin. Green scales were not a good sign; then again, any new color is not a good sign.

My story ends were it says she became 'Nightstrike'. However, that was just my beginning.

I gracefully walk out of the bathroom and flash a grin to the bulky man waiting on me. Vampires were a rare and dangerous species in the mythical world. Being half vampire had people wait on me all the time. It sucked, that and the fact that most of the school was werewolves, vampires only other competition. There were a couple of animal transformers and fairies, but they couldn't hurt me.

The bulky man that was chosen to watch me today grumbled something under his breath and started down the large stone hallway. I followed behind quietly wondering why my tattoo was flashing green, a color I have not seen before.

"Syrina, please do not let the school down today. Meaning, try not to kill the people coming to this school."

I raise an eyebrow, "Why would I want to kill them?"

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