Chapter 24- Once in Darkness

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Darkness. A scream. A skull. Another scream. Death. Pain. Darkness. Scream. Half-Eaten faces. Death. Darkness.

The demons shrieking and laughing, swirling around, disappearing, and reappearing just as fast as I float through the abyss. The darkness was sickening, and the faces here horrid.

"No! P-Please stop!" I hear a voice cry. Another scream. One more zombie face. "Make it stop!" Screams the familiar voice. I look at all these fears and horrors with no fear. This was nothing, this was fake. This wasn't real. I float around, looking for the owner of that voice.

In the depth of the abyss, I find Esmerelda crying, screaming, and hugging herself tightly. "Make it stop!" She whispers, her shimmering tears leaking down her smooth pale skin.

"Esmerelda..." I float over. She looks up and screams. "Syrina?!? Oh no no no. No... No... No! Make it stop!" She screams with horror all over her face. I tilt my head in confusion and look down at my hands. I scream. My hands were all half eaten, red, and looked like I had died many years ago.

I look toward Esmerelda. "Ezzie, please, listen to me, you are strong fight this!"

"No. No! I-I can't!" She screams. Another demon swoops down shrieking hysterically causing her to jump away in horror. I take another step. She takes a step back. I take another step, and she takes a step back. I purse my lips and leap toward her; touching her.

"No! No! Let me go! Help! He- Syrina?" Esmerelda yells. I look down, my skin was normal again. I smile, "Esmerelda, I am here. Please, fight these horrors, come with me." She nods slowly.

Slowly, we start walking. A demon dives and Esmeralda screams and cowards down. I lift her back up. "They are not real. Fight this." I say.

Esmerelda nods and her eyes get a confident glow to them. We resume walking but this time, every time a horror or a demon popped up, we kept walking. We walked and walked and walked. A blinding light shoots out from above us and demons shriek in pain as the darkness is absorbed and disappears. When we open our eyes greenery surrounded us. Many women, probably the dead witches, were around in the area.

I gulp, "Ezzie, I leave you here. This is your journey." She nods and smiles. I let go of her hand and suddenly I am spinning and spinning and spinning.

"Ah!" I gasp sitting straight up in bed. Esmerelda was no longer spasming next to me and instead had a smile on her face. I turn off the force field around us and sigh. Leaning against the backboard as sweat dripped down my face. Instantly, Jayden bursts through and rushes over me to Esmerelda. "Oh my Esmerelda. My beautiful mate." He hugs her tightly. Ryder enters through the doorway looking worried at me.

"Syrina?! Are you alright?" He swiftly was next to me, holding my hand. I pant, "Fine...."

"I need to speak to her!" A voice shouts from the crowd of people gathered around the door. I blink, many pack mates were looking worried at us. Why do they care so much?

Ryder's peaceful look turned dark. "Jackson wants to see you." He spits.

I clench my jaw. Ryder notices my slight muscle change and growls, "I will tell him to leave, now."

"No. Wait. I'll go talk to him." I gently crawl out of the bed, Ryder walking very close behind me. As I reach the doorway, people move aside, giving me a clear path to Jackson.

As I reach him, I notice how he looks so distressed. "Syrina." He breaths out, "Can we talk?"

"Talk." I stay, completely monotone.

"In private...." He pleads. Ryder growls behind me. I sigh and close my eyes. "Fine. We can talk in your office."

His eyes light up.


He tenses.

"We do it Alpha to Alpha." I speak clearly.

"Understood." Jackson's voice switches to business mode.


I take a seat next to Jackson's desk. He sits across from me.

"So, talk." I say with ease. My confidence was radiating off of me and Jackson shuffles uncomfortably.

"Syrina.... I'm sorry."

I blink, a glare on my face.

"Look, I know you hate me right now. I probably hurt you very much."

"More than hurt!" I hiss.

"Syrina. Please. Let me explain." He pleads.

"Fine." I narrow my eyes.

"Look, that night when we went to the club. I got really drunk and Mia was able to seduce me." He says.

It was simple. I partially believed him. "What about the marriage?" I hiss.

"That wasn't my choice." Jackson says sorrowfully.

"You are the alpha of the biggest pack in the world! Why isn't you choice?" I yell.

"Um, my dad—"Jackson begins.

I roll my eyes, "Ugh, still a daddy's boy. When you grow some balls, and are ready to reject me as your mate. Come talk to me. I have something extremely important to tell you about Mia and her relationship to NightRaider, but that can wait." I hiss and stand up. I swiftly exit the room. Jackson's pained eyes bore into me as I leave the room. As soon as I shut the door, a pain hits my heart and I sigh. He broke me. But nobody can see it.


Hey guys! I want to thank you all for reading this book. It means a lot to me that my other works are also read... I know this is a short chapter but another update will be this week! ^_^

I hope you guys enjoy this book and thanks for reading! Good night/Morning/afternoon/time of day

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