Chapter 13- Once Back

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Alpha Jackson's eyes run down and up my body. I was in baggy tank-top and very short shorts. His eyes turn dark as he reaches my eyes again. "Sryina..." He breathes out. He himself was looking very delicious with his tight white t-shirt and black jeans. Very casual, very yummy. Wait what?

"Syrina, can I talk to you?" Alpha Jackson says, his voice wavering.

I lick my lips, "Um, sure." I turn toward my two bickering pack mates, "I'll be right back guys!"

They wave me off with ease and I enter the hallway, closing the door behind me. Alpha Jackson grabs my arm and drags me off across the hallway and toward his room.

He lets me go and looks down upon me. "Syrina..... As you know, the meeting is tomorrow."

"Yes... I do." I whisper. Why was I feeling shaky? My heart was so broken and hard that I didn't think anything could shake it! But why was he causing my heart to start to stammer? He takes a step toward me and I take a step back. This repeats until I am backed against the wall. I was fearful of what was to come, and the close proximity. My heart beat painfully in my chest. Alpha Jackson was only a few inches from me, and my lips.

"I need you to be there." He huskily says, his sweet breath tickling my nose. "You are an alpha now, I need you to be dressed for a masquerade ball and ready to meet the other higher packs. Can you do that?"

I bite my lip and nod. Alpha Jackson's eyes dart toward my lip and his eyes turn a stormy blue. He takes a sharp inhale and closes his eyes. "Alright then, I shall see you tomorrow Syrina. Do not tell anyone of me being here early. And please stop doing that."

"Doing what?" I ask, my body starting to fail from the close proximity.

"Biting your lip. Because the urge to bite it for you is overwhelming right now." He snaps open his eyes, showing a glimpse of the lust hidden behind them.

I gasp and quickly nod. "Alright sir."

Alpha Jackson's eyes travel across my face a second longer. His finger traces my jawline gently sending tingles down my spine. I close my eyes and open my mouth slightly. The mate pull bursting into life.

Kiss me...

"No.... not yet... Too young...Too innocent....." Alpha Jackson whispers. A slight wind makes me open my eyes and now he was completely gone. Finally, my muscles break. I fall onto the floor, gasping for breath.

Once I regain myself I stand up and walk back toward my room. Being away from Jackson for those three weeks caused the pull to become almost impossible to break. Yet it did weaken my walls. I shake myself out of those dark thoughts.

I quietly walk back toward my room. I need a dress for tomorrow. Freak.


Hey guys! I want to thank you all so much for the 800 reads! I absolutely love all of you and want to thank you! Later today I shall post the next chapter. I would like it very much if you could tell me what you think of the story so far. I also promise you a lot more action as the story continues. Thanks and enjoy the read <3 

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