Chapter 25- Once Broken

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Ryder's POV

"I need the nurse in here now!" I shout as Syrina screams in my arms. As soon as she left the
Jackson's office, she collapsed onto the floor and started screaming in pain.

"Y-yes s-sir!" yells a servant scurrying away.

"Move! Out of the way!" I yell as I run up the stairs through the house and into our shared room.

People quickly jump out of my way, their eyes as large as saucers as they see Syrina. Her fangs kept appearing and disappearing. She spasms again and a scream follows. Syrina's screams were torture to my ears. She clutches onto me harder. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as I rush into our room. I had to remain calm and rein my dragon in for her. Passing Esmerelda's bed, I place her into her own. She screams again and her eyes turn pitch black.

I suck in a breath. That was creepy. Her eyes change back to normal and she squeezes them shut. She scrunches up her sobs heard loudly. Another scream comes from her. Her fangs pop out. They go back in. I felt so bad for her. She was my family. She was my source of courage, strength, and confidence. She is the only one who showed me love, hearing her scream is like hearing your mother scream.

The medicine witch rushes in with two other younger women at her side.

She quickly feels shivering Syrina's forehead. "Are there any humans in town today?" She asks quickly. A woman shakes her head. The other woman quietly answers, "The nearest one is three towns away. We can send someone to get one."

"No! There is not enough time!" The medicine witch yells. "She needs blood now before she becomes a rogue vampire and will start eating us! Which will kill her!"

A crowd of people now gathered at the door. I growl, "Find someone and soon!" My anger was picking up. I take a deep breath, pushing my dragon back down. I have to remain strong for Syrina, she needs me. She needs her Beta to be there for the Delta and Alpha. I care for her way to much at let her down.

Xander pushes through and I quickly block him. I hiss, "What are you doing here?!?"

"Move Ryder if you want to keep Syrina alive." Xander says calmly, but he was nervous. I gulp and let him pass. This might be our only chance. I can't lose Syrina. I can't go back to that school. Syrina was my family. She was my sister not by blood. I loved her like a family member, and I couldn't lose her. I love her to death.

He gets closer to her. I grab his arm and roughly pull him toward me, "If you hurt her, I will kill you."

This time Xander gulps, "I know, but this will save her."

He walks over to her shivering and crying self and sits next to her. I was standing right behind him. Just in case.

He pulls out a dagger and I growl in fear for Syrina. "Slash!" He cuts open his wrist and blood starts to poor out.

Instantly Syrina's eyes turn pitch black and her fangs pop out. She screams again and clutches her stomach, curling up into a tighter ball. I wince. Xander gently touches her and she shivers harder.

He puts his wrist next to her mouth, the blood dripping in. Her eyes snap open and her pain disappears. She lunges at his wrist, her mouth engulfing his wrist as her sharp long fangs piece the cut. He winces but shows no pain. I know how badly a vampire bite hurts. I touch the scars hiding under my shirt and shiver.

Syrina moans, grasping both her hands onto his wrist as she kept drinking. She closes her eyes in bliss and when she opens them again, they were full of sorrow, and back to their normal color. She releases Xander's wrist.

He was holding her up ever so slightly, sighing weakly. She gently caresses his cheek, "I'm so sorry." She mumbles quietly. Xander licks his lips and looks away. Syrina closes her eyes and leans back against the bed. Her fangs disappear and her breath slows as she goes to sleep.

Xander's wrist instantly heals and he sighs. He stands up from the bed and walks over to me. I still have really bad feelings about him, but I was accepting him. He just saved my precious friend, my precious family, my alpha.

Things click.

"That's why Syrina said you were treated with disrespect in her dream, you are human." I say quietly, looking straight into his eyes.

He gulps and looks away, "Yes."

"Xander is her human mate!" Esmerelda bursts up, gasping as she awakes. The medicine witch was instantly at her side and Jayden quickly holds her. Esmerelda pants, her eyes darting between me to Xander to Syrina and back to me. "Xander is her human mate. He is that one human that has a partial mate bond to Syrina."

Xander blushes slightly and looks toward the stunned medicine witch, "Syrina will need her true mate's blood for the next three days. I will provide if she does not have a mate, as the spy said so. However, I don't think they got the information right."

"Wait.... Spy?" I hiss.

Esmerelda flashes me a glare from Jayden's arms to keep quiet. "Yes Xander, Syrina is has a mate. But currently, this mate is dating Mia...."

Xander gasps, "No..."

"Ah!" Syrina whimpers lightly in her sleep, arching her back. I knew that pained face from anywhere. I caused this pain oh so long ago, when I hit her with my fire. I rush over to her and gently pry the shirt from her. Her tattoo started growing. I've never seen it actually MOVING! The black thick lines twist and turn around her shoulder blades. I blink, another two dragons grow across her. One was green the other silver. She relaxes as the lines stop moving, before gasping in pain again. I take her hand. She squeezes it tightly, still asleep.

I feel her spirit cling onto a new one. Xander falls onto his knees. "Ah!" He screams. I feel a new spirit mix into our pack spirit. It was extremely powerful, but scared. It was also slightly physically weaker but much stronger in the magic side. It was human. Syrina's spirit finally finishes absorbing this new spirit and Esmerelda's and my spirit quickly mix in also.

I blink, all of Xander life and emotions bursting into me. Esmerelda cries out in pain and clutches onto Jyaden tightly. I just grit my teeth. Once this new spirit was mixed the pain disappears. Syrina relaxes again and Xander wobbles onto his feet.

I look at Xander, my new pack mate with so many troubles. "I'm so sorry man...."

Xander looks at me, "You are my beta... I am part of the Dragonpack now."

"Ya." I say, "Hopefully we can get rid of those fears that haunt you."

Xander looks down sadly.

"Hey, you are part of this pack. We won't let NightRaider do anything to you. But if you could tell me the spy, that would be great...."

Xander licks his lips, "Get Alpha Jackson to come here and have Esmerelda place a sealing spell on this room."

"I need this private." He says from our pack bond. I nod my head, though shock still flows through me.

We have a new pack member.

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