Book 2 - Once Royalty

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Hey guys! Its the next chapter! I'm excited to say, ONCE CONNECTED is over! The second book may be in progress but I doubt I shall get to it any time soon.... Anyway, here is a sneak peak of the next chapter in the next book! Yay! Anyway, VOTE~COMMENT~ENJOY! :3


I bite my lip, my crossed legs shaking in nervousness. We were currently in Jackson's private plane. The floor was a soft white color that stood out against the smooth dark wood-looking walls. The light was a soft light and all the windows were closed. The plane itself had eight large, couch-like seats that took up all of the room. The first chair was pushed up all the way to the front right of the plane and the second one faced it a little farther away. The third chair was back-to-back to the second chair and the fourth chair faced it all the way in the back. The left side looked like that too.

I twirled the sleek black and gold pen in my hand as I stare down at the letter. I agreed to meet my mother. I was scared. This letter, which I was debating whether to send or not was to let my mother know I wanted to meet her.

I think back to the war we had with the rogue power-hungry mythicals and bite my lip. Maybe seeing my mother after this whole new royal business wasn't such a good idea...

After I woke up after the war, Esmerelda told me the whole story of what happened and how we are a royal pack now. I have never felt weirder. I felt like each part of me was part of someone else. I didn't feel like my body was mine, it was everyone's and I felt very disgusted by it. However, I finally understood what my tattoos were. Each new dragon represented a person who affected me mentally and/or emotionally and then affected me with their mythical powers. I felt so weird.

"Hey, don't feel disgusted, it's just what happens with Royalty. You literally become one. Each of you shares each other's strength, knowledge, and power." Jackson says in my head. I look up from my letter and scan him. He looked more gorgeous than ever sitting comfortably with a casual outfit on across from me in the tan leather chair. His head was tilted up and his eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.

I sigh, putting down the pen, "I still don't understand the difference between being a pack and a royal pack. It's just all so confusing."

"Ya, that is still confusing to me too..." Esmerelda pipes in, taking a seat next to me on my chair. I give her a small smile, which she returns. I could feel her confusion mixing with mine. It felt weird, like my confusion doubled. However, more knowledge and clues seep into my brain about what it could be; however, it was Esmerelda's knowledge.

Jackson sighs and runs his hand through his messy dark hair, "Well let's see. In a pack, you just share thoughts. All the spirits are connected to the Alpha and help yet use the Alpha's spirit. In a Royal pack bond, all the spirits merge. Each does an equal amount of work though use the Alpha spirit as the base of it all. In a pack, you can communicate mentally and work together mentally too. However in a Royal pack, you are connected physically and emotionally too. You can access each other's emotions to change your own, merge the emotion with your own, or change the other person's emotion. You can access each other's body by switching souls, with the Alpha's approval of course, use each other's strengths and put it into your own body, and even use each other's powers. However, the use of powers causes great strain on the Alpha, Beta, and Delta; though the most strain is on the Alpha." Jackson finishes, tilting his head back down to look at me.

I groan massaging my temple, "It just seems like even more work than before and me having to trust even more people than before."

Jackson shrugs, "Royal packs usually only have two or three members that are 'royal'. Those part of the pack who are not royal enjoy the benefits of being a royal pack and the strength of a royal alpha. The alpha can use his pack mates, but the pack mates cannot use the Alpha. You took all of us to be royalty."

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