Chapter 7- Once Entered

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"So, did you get any information on the pack?" I ask Ryder as we walk side-by-side down the street, making our way to the 'field'. What I learned as I got a tour was that the 'castle' we are housed in is for new students and 'important' people in the pack. Everyone else lived in town. The 'field' was a huge area of grass and open plains for the warriors to fight.

"Well, actually, ya. The pack is over 500 creatures big. Most of them are werewolves. 300 are male warriors. The extra 200 are females and only about 100 of them work as staff. The other 100 are house-wives." Ryder says, as we walk through the little town.

The town had a human small town look with one street full of stores and restaurants. The smaller streets around the main street were some small neighborhoods. Literally, from a high point, you can see the whole town.

"You are actually one of the first girls they ever tested and accepted to be a 'warrior' of the pack." Ryder says as we continue walking.

I stick to my own thoughts, watching the people of this town and just listening to Ryder. We make it to the main street and being walking the long way to the field.

I watch as girls' mouths drop as Ryder passes them. As soon as he passed, they begin giggling and whispering to each other while staring at him. I even got some hate glares thrown my way!

I scoff, "Yes, boys like to think of us woman as weak. Any information about their enemies?"

Ryder shakes his head, "No. But hey, Delta Jayden and Beta Pierce as supposed to tell us."

Sighing, I ask, "Can you remind me why those two are training us?"

Ryder rolls his eyes, I did complain about this all morning. "Like I told you a hundred times Syrina, it's because of our transforming powers or, for you, your vampiric side."

"Fine...." I say, looking at our feet. The cobblestone crunched under our feet as we walked in silence. Slowly the cobblestone became grass. When I was completely standing in grass, I look up. Here was the field. It was about the size of two football fields. Most of the area was short grass; however, right in the middle was a large square of dirt. Most of the boys from the bus were already there, their shirts were off like always and they were practicing.

Ryder and I walk to the dirt area, or the fighting area. Jayden and Pierce were standing to the side, waiting for us.

"So newbies, ready to go down?" Jayden smugly asks. Pierce throws us a cylinder of smooth wood. I look down confused at my piece of wood. "What's this for?" I ask.

Before I get an answer I scream, watching as a sword swings toward my neck. I duck, slamming the piece of wood against the sword to protect my life. I look up at smirking Pierce, my face pale from fear.

My head snaps left to find Ryder with his eyes wide in fear as his own piece of wood stopped Jayden's sword.

I slam my foot into Pierce's shin, making him stumble back from me. I clutch my wood possessively, knowing that it's my only shield, "Are you trying to kill us?!" I yell, catching some attention of fighting boys. They go back to fighting quickly.

Jayden mischievously smiles, taking a step from already sweating Ryder. "No sugar, this is your training. Get ready to be cut and bruised up."

Why the hell not!


Hey everyone! Its Catelyn, I just wanted to let you know thank you so much for the support! We made it to 300 reads and I am sooo grateful. I'm sorry for not being able to update sooner. I'm also sorry for it being such a short chapter so to make it up for you I am posting a chapter right after this one. Thanks and ENJOY! <3

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