Getting To Know You - S.S

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You were in your maths class doing some random quadratics shit that was making you question your life choices and you kept asking yourself how you ended up there and how this was going to be useful to you in life. You were really bored, so you passed notes to your best friend, Ava. On the notes were some 'unholy' things that you really should not be thinking about.

Right when you were about to read the note passed to you, there was a knock on the door and 4 bodyguards entered. 2 in front and 2 at the back of a person. When the bodyguards moved out the way, you could see who that person was and that person was no less than your celebrity crush who you knew everything about, Sadie Elizabeth Sink. You rubbed your eyes to be sure you weren't dreaming, but she was actually there. Your mouth dropped open in shock and awe as you stared at her and wondered how a person could be that gorgeous. You snapped out of your trance and shook Ava who was staring with wide eyes as well. She was wearing one of her suits that made her look hot as fuck.

"Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt your lesson but could I borrow y/n l/n for 2 minutes please?" Sadie said with her sweet voice and a smile directed at you. Everyone looked between you and Sadie as the teacher, Miss Ayub, allowed you to leave the classroom.

You could barely comprehend what was happening and it wasn't until Ava shook you and told you to get up and follow Sadie that you remembered how to work your legs again. You almost fell, but you kept your balance and went out the door.

"Hi I'm Sadie." She smiled at you and held out her hand for you to shake. You took it and couldn't help but notice how soft it was.

"I- I'm y- y/n."

"Hey no need to be nervous, okay." Sadie gave you a reassuring smile as she removed her hand from yours. " I know this might be a little intimidating."

You returned her smile and spoke. " How do you know who I am?"

"Well, I might have been... uhh... watching you." Sadie admitted as she scratched her head.

"Huh?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Well I've seen your TikTok edits of me and they're not inappropiate at all and I admire that. I've also seen that from an app I have, you've watched all my movies and shows the most out of everyone in the world and that's really impressive. I found out where you live and I guess you can say, I'm like your personal stalker. If you're weirded out then that's understandable and I can leave and you won't see me again." Sadie revealed.

"I'm not weirded out. I'm just shocked that you would watch me out of all the people in the world. Why would you watch me? I'm useless and don't tell me otherwise, I'm reminded daily." You replied.

"I'm sure that's not true. How would you like it if we got to get to know each other better?"

"I would love that." You smiled.

"Great." She smiled more at your smile. "See you tonight at your place at 7."

"Looking forward to it." You said with a grin as you held your hand out for her to shake.

She shook it before leaving. You smiled to yourself as you went back to your classroom and sat back down at your table. Ava asked what happened and you told her everything and her eyes widened and said: " I was not expecting that. Well don't mess this up." You nodded and then the bell rang and you packed your stuff and went to your next class and daydreamed, wondering what events would unfold later that day.


6:50 pm:

You were waiting eagerly for Sadie to arrive on the staircase with your phone in your hand as you listened to your favourite Taylor Swift song.

At exactly 7pm, there was a knock on the door. You quickly put your phone away and answered the door and there Sadie was, with a smile on her face.


"Hi." You returned the bright smile as you stepped to the side and let her in. Lucky for you, your parents and little brother were out so you two had the place to yourselves to do whatever you wanted.

"How have you been?" She asked as she took her shoes off and looked in your eyes.

"Good. How about you?" You said as you looked away from her eyes and down at your fingers and started playing with them. You could never be able to look people in their eyes as it made you really nervous and uncomfortable.

"I've been great. I've been waiting all day to see you." She smiled politely.

"Let's go up to my room." You said with a smile as you took her hand and led her to your bedroom.


When you got to your room, you opened the door and said "voila" which made her laugh. Her laugh made you feel more calm which eased your nerves.

She saw your Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour poster on your white cupboard and your book collection on the floor. It included: the Twisted Series, the Shatter Me series, Icebreaker, Wildfire and the Stranger Things collection. She also saw your drawings laid out on the floor. One being of Mike Wheeler and the other being of Will Byers.

"As you can tell, I'm not that good of a drawer. I made that in 2022, just after Stranger Things season 4 was released." You said as she bent down to look at it.

"Y/n, they're amazing." She said with a big smile.

"Thank you." You said with a shy smile.

"I'm also a massive bookworm." You said as you sat down on your bed.

"I've read these as well." Sadie picked up Twisted Love.

"Really?" You asked with an ascending smile.

"Yeah. I love Alex. He's literally everything. He's really underrated." She looked at you.

"I totally agree. I also love Jules. I love all her sassiness."

"Same. She's like Max, quite a lot."


You and Sadie talked some more about books and then about your hobbies and then you were talking about your favourite music. You stopped talking when you realised she was staring at you with a soft expression.

"What?" You asked, suddenly nervous.

"Nothing. You're just really beautiful." She smiled. Looked at your left eye. Right eye. Then her gaze flickered to your lips.

You stopped breathing as she placed her lips on yours. It took a second for you to realise what was actually happening and then you kissed her back. Her lips were warm and soft and full and you never wanted to pull away from them, but you needed to so then you could breathe.

"Did you like that?" She asked nervously as she leaned her forehead against yours. You nodded your head as you were too out of breath to respond. You then kissed her again as you wrapped your arms around her neck as she put one arm around your waist and the other rested on your thigh.

A/N: I hope you liked this. :)

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