You Have A Problem? - S. S

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You had just finished your first period, which was Science, and you were on your way to French.

When you got there, you lined up and waited for the bell to ring and for the teacher to come out of her room to tell you that you could go in.

You were feeling very stressed and upset as there had been a rumour going on that was about you and it was true but no one had to know that. Everyone was staying away from you and giving you dirty looks and to be honest, you really wanted to kill yourself as you felt like you couldn't handle it but Sadie, your girlfriend, helped you to deal with it.

You were caught up in your own world, daydreaming, that you didn't realise Sadie had come to see you. Only when she touched your arm did you regain focus.

"Hey, you ok?" She asked.

You shook your head with a sad smile and watery eyes.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna fix this. I will fix this." She pulled you in for a hug. You put your arms around her waist and buried your face in her chest.

When you pulled away, she wiped your tears away with her thumb.

You looked to the side to see the main people who were the cause of your problems staring at you. Sadie followed your gaze and her jaw tensed.

"What are you looking at?" She sneered at them.

"Why are you hugging her?" One of them said as they looked at you with disgust. "What are you, her mother?"

"No, I'm her girlfriend. And don't you dare talk about her like that!" Sadie exclaimed.

"So it is true. Y/n is gay." The other one said.

"Uhh.. No." You retorted.

"She just said she's your girlfriend."

You glared at Sadie and ran to the bathroom, not wanting to get involved into another conversation about that once again.

Sadie left them and ran after you.

"Y/n/n, wait!" She shouted after you.

You slowed down your pace once you reached the bathroom and went inside and put your hands on either side of the sink and your breathing started to get really heavy and you couldn't get it to even out.

You saw the door open and saw Sadie enter. You started hyperventilating and Sadie's eyes widened and quickly ran to you.

"Baby, it's okay. Come here." She took your hands off the sink and embraced you in a hug.

"Shhh. It's okay." Her calming voice spoke. "Okay, now breathe with me. In and out, okay?" She pulled away from you a little, still holding you.

"In." She breathed in and you copied her. "And out." She breathed out and once again you followed her. You did this a few more times until you calmed down.

You then started crying and Sadie pulled you in for another hug and you rested your head on her chest.

"Sadie, I can't do this anymore." You sobbed.

"What can't you do?" She asked calmly, as she rubbed your back.

"The rumours and the whispers and the looks. It's getting too much. I can't handle it."

"There is a way for it to stop, but I don't know if you'll agree it." Sadie said.

"How?" You looked up at her.

"Tell them you're in a relationship with me. They will eventually stop. It won't take that long for them to keep their mouths shut." She suggested.

"What if it doesn't?" You asked.

"Trust me. It will." She said as she kissed the top of your head.

"Okay." You nodded your head. "Can we do it tomorrow though? I'm really tired and I just want to go home."

"Of course." She nodded and pulled away from you, and held your hand as you exited the school building.

When you got to your house, Sadie walked you to the door.

"If you need anything, just call me. Okay?" Sadie held both of your hands with hers as she faced you.

"Okay." You nodded before you leaned in to give her a kiss that lasted for a few seconds before you pulled away.

She then let go of your hands as she walked back to her car.

"Sadie?" You called out her name as she turned back to face you. "Actually can you stay over? I just don't want to be alone."

She gave you a reassuring smile and nodded. "Of course."

She walked back over to you and held your hand as you unlocked the door with your key and you both entered and took off your shoes before you went to your room.

When you got into your room, you went to lie down in your bed. Sadie followed you into bed, pulling the covers over you both, as she spooned you from behind.



You and Sadie walked through the doors of the school building, holding hands as you went to your locker. You opened the locker and got your books out. You were just putting your jacket away when Sadie put a hand on your shoulder. You looked at her to see her already looking at something or someone else. You followed her gaze to see your 2 enemies staring right you and Sadie.

"What do you want?" You closed your locker and turned to face them, moving to stand right next to Sadie, reaching for her hand to hold.

"You never answered my question yesterday. Are you gay?" One of them asked.

"Yeah. I am. What's it to you?"

"That's disgusting." The other one grimaced.

"I don't give a shit." You shook your head and on purpose gave Sadie a kiss on her cheek.

They then walked away and you smiled.

"Did I do good?" You asked Sadie.

"Yeah." She smiled. "But you could've given me a longer kiss."

"Okay, then." You put your arms around her neck as she put her hands on your hips as you gave her a slow loving kiss.

"How was that?" You asked as you pulled away.

"Good but do it again just so I can be sure."

You giggled as you kissed her for a longer time this time.

A/N: I hope you liked this.

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