Chapter 4

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"That's my girl!" Vicki hollered as she gave me a big hug. "Babe you were wonderful. Made my eyes tear up! Didn't I tell you my girl was talented?" she said talking to the group she had invited out with us tonight. There was Theo, Shana, Dylan, Bianca, Joshua, and Chris.

Everyone kept telling me what a great job I did which made me uncomfortable. I was never good at receiving praise, maybe it had something to do with the fact that I wasn't used to it. My father always found fault in whatever I chose to do with my life. Which is why I never told him about my singing gigs. Ever since my mother's passing he'd banned singing in the household, so I had to keep it under wraps. That was one lecture I wasn't interested in having.

"Uh... Bonnie? There's a guy over at the bar who can't keep his eyes off you." Shana said with a gleeful smile.

"What?" I replied, looking around. "Who?"

"Over there by the hanging torso." Shana said.

"Damn he fine." Bianca added.

I looked around at the bar until my eyes landed on a ruggedly handsome man staring back at me with so much intensity, it made me want to run into the nearest bathroom stall to hide. Although he was sitting, he looked like he had to be at least over six feet tall. He had chestnut brown skin with bronze undertones. He wore all black with a leather biker vest and everything about him screamed danger. He had a neat, wavy cut that attached to his goatee which complimented his square face. He was as gorgeous as he was mysterious. Through his clothes, there was no mistaking his broad Titan shoulders and well-built body.

Christ Almighty, who made this beautiful creature?

As I stared at him, he stared back— his eyes never wavering from mine. It was too intense for me, I had to look away. Vicki put her arm over my shoulder, distracting me for a moment.

"He is definitely checking you out." She said in a singsong way.

"Go over and say something to him girl." Shana said nudging me.

"I don't think she should. He looks dangerous." Theo said with a grimace on his face.

"Oh please, that makes him so much more interesting. Though I agree with Theo, she shouldn't go over there." Vicki said.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"He should come to her." She said hi-fiving Bianca.

"Well you were in rare form tonight." Tammy, the bartender said dropping off drinks for the table. "Don't think I've ever heard you sing that one before."

"I haven't. I wrote that one."

"It was good... little sad for my taste though." She said with disinterest.

"Well thank goodness not everyone has your taste, or the world would be boring as hell." Vicki said with a sarcastic smile.

Tammy gave her one back before rolling her eyes.

"Tammy... who's that guy in leather over at the bar?" Shana asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen him before. Must be just passing through. Tell you what though, he looks like he's well hung."

"Always classy Tammy." Vicki said rolling her eyes as she looked at her phone.

"Babe." Chris said.


"Just... be nice huh?"

"I'm always nice." Vicki spat.

"You ladies really sound worse than us right now." Dylan said chuckling before taking his shot.

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