Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning, I was greeted by a splitting headache and a spinning room. I groaned as I shut my eyes and held my head silently praying for both ailments to go away. It was like a hangover and concussion all rolled into one. The drinks I had last night only made the pain worse. I looked over at the nightstand, the clock read 7:45, and saw a glass of apple juice and two aspirins. Using what strength I had left; I lifted my head up enough to take the pill and juice before falling back down. Yesterday's events plagued my mind, causing my heart to start palpitating at an alarming rate. Keeping my eyes closed, I took deep breaths attempting to calm my nerves. Just when I started to feel my pulse go back to normal, my meditation was interrupted by the moaning in the next room. Vicki, in the throes of passion, was crying out in ecstasy as she continued to cuss under her breath. I rolled my eyes and groaned. This was one of the reasons why we couldn't be roommates. I could hear the faint voice of a male as she continued to moan and cuss. Listening to them both was beginning to get to me, so I got up as slowly as possible and attempted to make my way to the bathroom without falling to the floor.

When I was able to accomplish that successfully, I turned on the shower and hopped in. I let out a pleasing sigh as the warm water cascaded around me, causing my body to relax. At least I couldn't hear Vicki anymore. Sometimes I wished I could be more daring sexually like my best friend was but the truth was it just wasn't me. I tried to be the opposite last night and look what happened. Total and complete disaster. Would I have gone through with last night had the attack in my apartment never happened?

What did you picture? Alexander's question rang in my ear as he smirked at me.

Since I met him, I had pictured so many things. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he played with me with one hand, and grabbed my face to the side with the other, trailing kisses down my neck. I pictured him pinning me up against the wall and thrusting himself inside of me while he tugged on my hair. I pictured me laid out on his bike as he explored my body with his mouth. A moan escaped my lips before I realized I was touching myself.

"Jesus." I said dropping my hands to the side.

I needed to get a grip. I grabbed a towel and stepped out the shower. When I got into the room, Vicki was sitting on my bed in her bath robe.

"Shit." I said holding my heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's about time you got up though."

"Well who can sleep listening to you hit falsettos in the next room?" I asked walking past her and toward the closet where she put a few outfits for me to choose from last night.

"You heard that?" she asked through a giggle as she covered her mouth.

"Unfortunately. I thought you were breaking up with Chris."

"I did, last night actually." She said and I paused and looked at her.

I pointed to the wall where her room was. "Then who—"

"His name's Jamal, he's in my anatomy and physiology class." She said.

"Is the coast clear or should I expect him to show up at the door in a few minutes buck naked?"

Vicki giggled. "No, I kicked him out already."

"So how did this come about?"I said turning my attention back to the clothes in the closet.

"Get this, one day after class we go out for coffee and he tells me he's always wondered what I tasted like. So last night, I was a little bummed out after breaking up with Chris... you know, another relationship down the drain and blah blah blah. So I called him and invited him over.

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