Chapter 12

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"So, are you going to tell me?" Vicki asked, watching me roll my suitcases into the living room.

"Tell you what?" I asked pushing the lever down.

"Why I saw Alexander leaving your apartment with his boots in his hand at eleven o' clock at night."

"What were you doing looking out your peephole at eleven o' clock at night?" I asked folding my arms smirking at her.

"Being nosy, duh. Don't change the subject. What happened?"

I sighed, walking into the kitchen for some water. "Nothing, I just... thought it best to end things between us."

"What?" She asked standing to her feet and walking over to the counter of the kitchen and taking a seat. "Why? I thought you guys were getting along so well."

"We were but things were getting too... real." I said twisting off the top to my water bottle and taking a sip.

"Is this about him seeing you have a seizure?"

"That's part of it."

"Bonnie, I saw him with you last night... he was so attentive and worried—"

"Yeah and when the novelty wares off, he'll split looking for a less complicated arrangement."

"I don't think you give the guy enough credit." She said shaking her head.

"He wants something casual Vee, something fun and uncomplicated. I'm none of those things." I said slamming the water bottle on the table and folding my arms.

"You are fun what are you talking... oh no." She said looking at me. "Oh sweetie... you're in love with him aren't you?"

I sighed and rubbed the corners of my eyes. We'd been spending so much time together and half of the time it didn't revolve around sex. Sometimes, we'd just be talking or watching a movie, or going for a ride. I felt like he saw me for the person I was not the person he wanted me to be. It was refreshing. At times, moments between us felt more intimate than casual and I guess it was my mistake for getting confused about it. Last night had felt so special, I felt so safe and so happy and for a moment, as we looked at each other, I felt like there was more to us then sex. That was until he got this panicked look on his face and avoided eye contact completely after that. I was such a damn idiot.

"I've got to get ready to go. The funeral's in an hour."

With that, I went to grab the last duffel bag off the bed in my room. My cousin was going through a lot being a single mom and widow now. I told her I'd come and visit her for as long as she needed me. She was only thirty minutes away, so I could still make it to my classes and everything else. When I came back into the living room Vicki was waiting for me with a sad look on her face which frustrated me. I didn't need her pitying me I was doing that enough already.

"Bonnie I want you to listen to me okay... like, really listen." She said grabbing my hand from the suitcases I was trying to grab. I sighed and looked at her. "I've seen you two together... there was nothing casual about you. The chemistry you guys have is the kind of shit you only read about. Don't be so quick to throw it away."

"Vee, he told me not to fall in love with him because he wasn't capable of loving me back." I said flatly.

"He said that?"

"In so many words, yes."

"He's confused." Vicki said shaking her head.

"Or he means what he says and doesn't want anything more than a casual romp in the sheets. My mistake was thinking I could go along with it but you were right I should've thought it through. Whatever, it's over anyway... better to end it before someone gets hurt."

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