Chapter 13

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Since our awkward introduction, Bonnie stuck close to Candace, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. I couldn't tell what she was feeling because she had this incredible poker face. She was difficult to read and I desperately needed to know where her head was at. So, the minute I found a moment with her I took it... it did not go the way I wanted it to. Despite the fact that she was related to Candace, whatever this was I felt for her didn't change. I practically had to beg her in the bathroom to meet with me tonight to which I was still waiting for an answer. Usually, in my past dealings with a woman, I never had to go through this because I never needed to explain myself before. I didn't need to explain myself now... and yet I felt I had to.

After our conversation, she made her way over to the bar smiling and talking to Boxer and Sly as she waited patiently for Candace. The fact that she said she was glad she ended things between us still fucked with me. How could she treat things so casual? Isn't casual what you wanted though? Still, the way she could end things so easily without batting an eyelash fucked with my mind. Jesus, do you hear yourself right now?

Look at me dammit! I mentally demanded in vain. She didn't. Instead, she made small talk with Sly who kept putting his arm around her. I bit down on my jaw hard as hell trying to suppress the urge to storm over there. She wasn't mine and yet I felt the need to stake my claim. I had to calm down. Since I didn't claim her, for Sly and every guy here Bonnie was up for grabs. By the looks on some of the guys faces, I knew they would try and shoot their shot whenever opportunity allowed. You had to be blind as shit not to, Bonnie was sexy as hell. It didn't stop me from wanting to break some skulls though.

"You look like you ready to go to war right now my nigga." Bullet said, patting me on the back.

Since the guys found out that Bonnie was Candace's cousin, they'd been giving me shit all day.

"Just enjoying my drink." I said taking a gulp of my beer.

"You know Sly just fucking with you. Seriously though, if you trying to claim that, I would do it soon." He said referring to Bonnie.

"I said this would bite you on the ass." Reaper said walking up behind us.

I sighed, hung my head, and shook it. "Y'all done?" I asked and Bullet held his hands up.

"What was that shit with Cutter?" Reaper asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing I can't handle. Something off about that nigga."

"Well, yeah." Bullet said laughing. "We all know the nigga ain't wrapped too tight. He's been that way since we've known him though."

"Didn't care for him then, and I sure as shit don't care for the nigga now. As long as he keeps his hands to himself we good."

Cutter and I never saw eye to eye growing up. I couldn't count how many times Alex and I had to fuck him up because of his mouth or his actions. He was a coward to his core and he had no boundaries. Ace may see him as a son or a pet project but despite the colors he wore, he was no brother of mine. The looks he was giving Bonnie were enough to make me want to cancel his ass on the spot. If Candace hadn't of intervened who knows what would've happened.

As I looked across the room, I saw the uneasy expression on Bonnie's face and wondered what was wrong. As she made eye contact with me briefly, I followed her eyes and noticed Cutter staring at her with grin on his face. Bonnie turned around and quickly made her way outside and I made my way over to Cutter. He stood against the wall by the back where my father's old office was... I guess it was Ace's now. Spotting me, he rolled his eyes and sighed as I stood next to him, my body facing the hallway leading to the office, his facing the main room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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