Chapter 10

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"This is the last time I let you shop for me." I said going through the remaining outfits she'd picked out for me the other day.

"What's wrong with them?" she asked shimmying into jeggings.

"They're either too short, or too revealing." I said. Luckily I found some black skinny jeans with rips in the legs at the bottom of the bag.

"I don't seem to hear you complaining about my taste in clothing last night." She teased as I turned to glare at her. "How'd that go by the way?"

"It was a good night." I said attempting to hide my blush as I thought about last night.

"I'll bet. Thank God I slept downstairs away from ear shot this time. The two of you sound like you're fighting to the death in there."

I giggled. "Whatever." I said throwing on a beige body suit that hugged my body and revealed a little too much cleavage. Adjusting the strings that tied up in the front I added the string to two more loops and pulled it closed.

"I'm serious but I ain't mad at you girl, you were in desperate need of it. Now, I just need to find me some marathon dick like you."

"Marathon dick?" I asked putting on my jeans.

"Yeah, you know 'cause it goes the distance." She said putting her fist in the air.

We burst into laughter as I slapped my knee. "I'm done with you."

"I'm just saying." She said shrugging.

"What about Reaper?" I asked with a teasing grin.

"He's not responding to any of my go-to moves." She said shaking her head as she brushed her hair. "I don't think he's interested."

"Maybe he's just not interested in any games or "go-to moves" as you've said. I told you before not all guys go for that. He seems like a straightforward dude, maybe you need to just be yourself for once."

She shrugged. "Maybe. Ugh, it feels like we've been on the edge of the world. I've got a ton of work to do when I get back."

"We don't really have a safe place to get back to though." I said sighing and plopping down on the bed.

Vicki smiled. "Well... that's not true."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to tell you later but I hate seeing a frown on this face." She said squeezing my face with one hand which she knows I hate. I moved my face away and darted my eyes at her.

"Tell me what?"

"You remember how I've been trying to get that building for my catering business but it's been in escrow for like ever?"


"Thanks to some help from my dad, we finally closed escrow on the place." She said excitedly.

"You mean...?"

"It's official, no more working out of my house. The Catering Queen now has it's own place of business."

"Vee, that's fantastic." I said hugging her. "I'm so happy for you. No one deserves this more than you."

"That's not the best part. There are two apartments upstairs from the shop fully renovated. Just needs to be furnished." She said and I covered my mouth. "I was going to run it by you so we'd be closer to each other, that is, before all this shit started. So you see, there's no need to worry, I already had a backup plan for us. We're going to be fine."

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