Chapter 5

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Using my binoculars, I looked through the first-floor windows of the loft building. Bonnie had just gotten home a few minutes ago. My bike was parked by the dumpster, giving me a good amount of concealment as I watched her from afar. Since she arrived home, she seemed on edge. Perhaps she knew about the money after all. Maybe she and Ginger planned on disappearing with the money all along and this whole innocent act was just a ploy to throw everyone off.

Bonnie seemed genuine when I met her... then again, I had been retired for some time now. Maybe I was slipping in my older age. Not likely. Nevertheless, she knew something, and I was going to find out what it was. If that meant I had to put on an act to get close to her then so be it. Although, I will say it wouldn't be a far stretch. Since we met, there was no denying my attraction to her. The way my body reacted to her was enough to make me worry if I could keep this strictly professional.

As I watched her walk into her bedroom, I could see a glimpse of her silhouette as she began undressing.

"Shit." I said looking away as the front of my jeans began to tighten. Don't be a fucking creep I could hear my conscious say as I rubbed my eyes and cursed myself.

My phone rang and an unknown number flashed across the screen. I had already made it perfectly clear before leaving that I wasn't taking any side jobs right now so I couldn't imagine who would be calling me now. I sighed and answered on the third ring.


I heard mumbling before the person responded.

"Um, hi... Alexander?"

"Bonnie?" I asked in utter surprise as I looked back up at her room. She sat on the bed biting down on her thumb.

"How'd you know it was me?" she asked in that soft, sexy tone that tempted the animal in me.

I could feel myself smirk. "I'd never forget that voice."

"Are you still in the area?"

I looked around my surroundings. "As a matter of fact, I am." I said smiling at how true that statement was in this moment.

I watched her reactions, she seemed almost hesitant, as if she were talking herself out of something in her mind.

"Hello?" I responded.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Listen... why don't you stop by?"

I felt my eyebrow raise as I watched her twirl a piece of her hair awaiting my response. In that moment, I knew what this phone call was about and my body responded instantly. I'd be lying if I said the thought of her legs wrapped around my torso while I plunged myself deep within her as she moaned my name with that sinful voice of hers wasn't something I'd be thinking about since I'd met her.

That's not what you're here for!

I adjusted myself, these jeans were feeling tighter by the minute. As I looked up at her, I could see the uncertainty on her face. Almost as if she felt like she had something to prove to someone... maybe herself.

"You sure?"


"Then I'm there."

"Great I'll text you the address."

"See you in a few."

"Kay bye." She said quickly before hanging up.

She then disappeared into another part of the room, no doubt getting ready and I put my binoculars down. A few minutes later, I received a text from her giving me the address. I saved her contact info and got off my bike. My phone rang again, only this time it was my mother.

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