Chapter 7

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After making sure Bonnie got back to her friends place safely, I rushed over to my mother's house. She and Candace had been blowing up my phone the whole time I was with Bonnie which was ruining the vibe. Finally answering them, I understood the urgency. My nephew went to a friends house for a play date and disappeared during his nap. Suffice it to say, everyone was worried. In my mind I was hoping this wasn't some retaliation on the Devil's end. When I pulled up, I noticed Ace and Bullet's bike in the driveway. Hearing my bike pull up in the driveway, they came outside. I hopped off my bike and walked over to them.

"Xander, thank God you're here." Roxy said hugging me.

"Anything new?" I asked Bullet and he shook his head.

"I got everyone out there looking." Ace said staring a hole through me.

"It's not like Logan to run off like this. It makes no sense to me." Candace said burying her face in her hands as Roxy and Bullet comforted her.

"Any ideas on where he would go?" I asked.

Candace shook her head. "Um, no. I mean Prince used to take him on rides everywhere."

"Ladies, give us a minute please. We'll be right back. King, Bullet... let's talk." He said walking down the driveway. Roxy gave me a pleading look, and I grunted and sighed before following after them.

"What's on your mind Prez?" Bullet asked.

"Let's not pretend we're not thinking the same thing alright. This could be JD getting back at us for the stunts you've been pulling since you got back." He said pointing at me.

"Wow, it only took you about a minute to make this my fault. That's a new record for you."

"Your brother's son— your nephew— could possibly be in danger because of this shit you been pulling, if anything happens to that kid it's on you."

"Hey Ace, how about you click your heels three times and kiss my ass aiight."

Ace stepped closer to me and I stood my ground waiting for him to make his move.

"Now is not the time for this shit!"Bullet said in aggravation placing himself between the two of us.

"He's right. I'm here to find my nephew. You got information pertaining to that I'm all ears. Other than that I got shit to do." I said walking back over to my mom and Candace.

"Candy, think hard. Is there anywhere special Alex would take Logan?"

Candace stopped biting her nails for a moment to think. "Um... yeah actually. There was this place they would go, Prince would say it was special and their little secret. Said it used to be you and his favorite spot." She said with hope in her voice as she pointed to me.

Letting her words sink in, I knew exactly where to find my nephew.

"Don't worry Candy, I'm going to bring him home to you." I said placing my hands on her arms.

She looked up at me through teary eyes and smiled gratefully. "Thank you King."

With that, I headed to my bike focused on my mission. I started my bike up and Bullet rushed over to me.

"Wait up King, I'll go with you." Bullet said.

I shook my head. "Nah, I need you to keep looking elsewhere in case I'm wrong. We can't waste any time."

"Aiight then, keep me informed." He said.

I looked over at Ace who stood next to my mother glaring at me before I looked back at Bullet and nodded.

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