Chapter 11

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It was a dreary Thursday afternoon here in Richmond and not just because of the rain. I received a call from Roxy letting me know that Prince's body had finally been released and that the funeral was finally set for Saturday. My brothers body was sent to Jessie Jenkins's funeral parlor— the same place that buried my father— earlier this morning where she said I could go view him before the funeral. I said I would but I had been procrastinating all damn morning since I got the call. Chilling at Reaper's safe house, in the dining room, I stared down at the plastic tube I retrieved from our secret spot hesitant to open it. The reality of everything was really crashing down on me and I felt like I was drowning with no life preserver in sight. The door closed, startling me from my dark thoughts as Reaper soon appeared in the doorway.

"Just spoke with Bullet. Snipes and Train will be touching down in Richmond in an hour. Sit downs set for three." He said.

"Good, that gives me time to handle a few things."

"What's that?" He asked nodding to the tube on the table.

"Plans me and Alex had for the future of the club."

"Gonna open it?"

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the tube and twisted the top open pulling out some papers. The papers, however were different. Alex and I used to draw on large sketch paper when we'd draw out our plans which were still there. However, actual blueprints, zoning laws, permits, and other papers had been added. There were blueprints for the clubhouse, the houses we were going to build next to each other, even the space for the new impound lot. At the top of all of them was the writing SMOKING ACES FUTURE in big print. You could tell just by looking at them, they were professionally done. I stood dumbfounded; it seemed as if Alex was working on turning our childhood fantasies into reality.

"These are good." he asked moving some papers around the table, studying them. "You guys drew these up?"

"The sketches yeah, the blueprints were all him though." I said unable to take my eyes off of them. "I had no idea these even existed." I mumbled to myself.

You've been very busy Alex. What else did you have up your sleeve? I thought to myself. I needed to talk to Sly soon.

"I've got to head to town." I said rolling up the papers and stuffing them back in. "I'll be back before three."

The roads were wet from the relentless rain and blinding fog. The weather truly matched my soul. There was a fog inside me, thick and blinding, and I wasn't sure how to begin to clear it. I got to town in under a half an hour and headed straight for the funeral parlor. Upon pulling into the parking lot, I suddenly became sick to my stomach and my hands began to shake. When I got inside the building, it only worsened.

"Xander Royal, it's been ages. Not sure if you remember me." He said shaking my hand.

"Damon Jenkins, yeah I remember you."

"Right. Good to see you, sorry it's under these circumstances. You have my condolences."

"Appreciate it."

"Right this way." He said ushering me into the hall towards double wooden doors.

Opening one he gestured inside and I walked in, my feet suddenly feeling like led.

"Take all the time you need." He said before closing the doors behind me leaving me alone with the black custom made coffin that rested a few feet away from me.

It took me a while, but I finally made it to the front and stared down at the coffin. I sighed loudly, gripping my knees in an attempt to keep me from falling on my face.

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