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Sienna stirred in her sleep, the sounds of the loud city of New York just outside, the rain adding rather more discomfort then any type of closure.
The bed creaked against her tossing and turning.

She fell to her knees before the soldier as she sobbed, he swiftly knelt down as she melted onto the ground. He caught her, cradling her against his chest.
"I vow to you..i will get you out of here, Starlight." He whispered as soft cries echoed in the cold cell. She gazed up at him, longing in her eyes, she needed him, now more then ever.
Quickly crashing her lips into his with passion as he returned the feeling.
His hands having a mind of their own as they wrapped around her waist, the coldness of his bionic arm made her shiver. He glided his hands over her body as if looking on a map. His eyes hungry.
He kissed her.
"Starlight, i'll make you forget." He grazed against her neck, waiting to get a bite...

Sienna jolted awake, she quickly felt the hotness in her body, she was sweating. She took a moment to regulate her breathing that was fighting to fill air in her lungs as she managed to force herself out of bed. Starlight rang in her head like someone had tried playing keys on an old, forgotten piano.

If only she could make the diffrence between memory and dream. That seemed real, way too real to be a dream. Its like she was there. She turned on the lights in her kitchen, soft lights, they weren't as bright, but bright enough for her to see. She had to write down that dream. She kept a notebook to herself, one that she could write down everything she remembered about herself in hope to piece together the memories one day.
5 am, the sun was preparing to make an appearance. She couldn't go back to sleep. She couldn't really do anything.
She started getting ready for work instead.

She took a long shower, maybe trying to clean out thise dreams that hypnotized her. She wanted them to stop, or just get a glance at the person in the dream, the soldier that touched her, that made her have a glimmer of hope for the future as long as he was by her side.
She couldn't recall anyone, Starlight, did she know someone who used that as a nickname for her? They'd probably be dead and most likely not a former HYDRA captive.

Putting on her shirt, it was thin, covering up her bra as she put on her bomber jacket over. On it's back was the name of a band she didn't recognize, Marcus gave it to her. When she was brought to S.H.I.E.L.D's HQ, they were originally planning to interogate her, to lock her up. But Marcus dug deep in HYDRA's winter soldier program, finding out how Sienna didn't volunteer for the tests and was meerly the only survivor. After alot of tormenting and arguements, it came to an agreement that Sienna would be granted an apartment, being monitored. Denying any sort of therapy S.H.I.E.L.D.'s only resort seemed to send her on missions, it was the only thing that kept her sane.

She locked her apartment as she took the elevator down, almost immediatly getting a call from Fury who was probably announced Sienna had left her apartment.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Where are you going, young lady?"
"I have a to-do list, ask Marcus." She brushed him off and hung up as the last thing she heared was Fury calling out for her. She looked at the article Marcus had sent her.
'Government ally suspected of allegations with HYDRA.' The article read, she read futher down as it gave a more detailed description of the man, he undergone the name Luther, or, thats what the people around him called him. She couldn't ask around about this so called Luther, digging deep in her laptop seemed the only solution for this one. She appreaciated how Marcus gave her daily things to do to keep her mind busy and get her out of the house, it was a fun habit. Her arrival was announced when the bell chimed as she opened the store to the local coffee shop.
"My favourite gal, how you doin?" The barista exclaimed, tilting her head. She was a lady well in her age, she had curled hair and the most precious amber eyes. Sienna's eyes brightened too as she walked over to her usual table.
"I'm good, i'm a little restless." She explained to which the barista nodded.
"The usual?" She asked to which Sienna nodded as she opened up her laptop and grabbing her notepads. She looked up the full name of the government suspect, looking in deeply to all sorts of sites, her coffee came in hot as she smiled at the barista before turning her head back to her work. It was oblivious to her how quickly the clock had fast forwarded before she glanced at the time. 8AM. She scrunched her face, looking at her phone that wrote the same digit, she really lingered in the coffee shop for almost two hours. It was worth it, she gathered parahgraphs if not pages worth of information and rumours about this guy, he seemed to have had a criminal history long before he even had connections with the government, being jailed for nearly a decade for fraud and the selling of illegal substances. He also had a thing for being on thin ice, he kept getting speeding tickets and leaving them unpaid, he got multiple warnings from the police, yet, his name was cleared so suddently in 2010, like nothing had ever happened, that was the first thing that caught Sienna's attention. For him to be trusted by the government he had to be like a lamb free of sin, which he wasn't, he was even rumoured to have murdered someone aswell, but not enough evidence to confirm it.

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