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"Relax, he's not as intimidating as you think. Not to you, atleast." Maria tried assuring her, Sienna ran a hand through her hair, she had to admit she was nervous to see Steve after decades.
"Besides, you're way too strong to train with me anymore, you gotta think of it as an upgrade." Maria explained, walking down the hallway as she held her key card in hand, pressing it to a small screen as a door opened, revealing the head of the helicarrier, you could see everything from the huge window that stretched along the nuzzle of the ship. Sienna walked in, amazed at the technology.
"Howard didn't have this type of technology developed." She gazed in awe, Maria smiled.
"Impressive what a little evolution can get you." She said, walking over to one of the agents to talk to them as Sienna gazed around the main room of the helicarrier. She crossed her arms, looking at all the agents there, each one assigned an individual computer and a task, it was amazing.
"Well if it isn't miss Orlovschi." A man spoke behind her, Marcus.
"Hey." She cracked a small smile as he went in to hug her, she awkwardly stood still as he squeezed her, still unfamiliar with the feeling of a hug.
"Big day, hm?" He asked.
"Yeah, i'm still having a hard time understanding why Steve would tag me along for this mission." She scrunched her face in confusion.
"I would too if i had one of the best assasins wrapped around my finger." He grinned.
"Former assasin." He corrected himself.
Marcus's phone buzzed, he grabbed it, his brows furrowing.
"Gotta go, duty calls. See you later, m'lady." He smirked, taking the call as he left the main room. Sienna's eyes locked on Maria, she indicated her to come, and so she did. Sienna followed Maria once more, leaving the main room through another door as she was met with a hallway laced with white walls. She followed through quickly, mirroring Maria's pace.

"I'm sure Steve will be of help and explain the mission, as far as i'm informed, it involves a group of people that may be planning to bomb Brooklyn." She explained, Sienna's brows knit together, an uneasy feeling down her spine.
"Is hydra involved?" She asked.
"We'll see." She said simply, Sienna let out a deep breath, she had been preparing mentally for this day, where she would finally tag along in missions and do her job as an agent, even without the title. The door slid open as Sienna was revealed with an office, Fury was in it, talking to a tall, muscular, blonde man, he was nodding to Fury before he turned to look at Sienna and Maria.
"Captian, Sienna, Sienna, Captian." Maria quickly introduced before she fled, looking extremly busy. Sienna looked up at Steve, a familiar feeling creeping up her back.

"Rogers will come for me..he'll save me." She hoped desperately, it was her only call to get out of here, the truth was, Steve didn't like Sienna much, he considered her a 'replacement' a 'reminder' of his deceased best friend, it wasn't her choice to get recruited to the SSR, for her this was just one of the thousands of companies and organizations she worked for, she had no idea it would lead to this.

"Rogers." She said in a casual, yet irritated tone, his expression was soft, yet still pretty tough.
"Ma'am." He replied, Fury glanced at the two.
"Am i interrupting something?" He asked sarcastically, both Sienna and Steve turned their gaze to him, shaking their heads in sync.
"As i was saying, the terrorist group has set camp in Lousiana in an abandoned neighbourhood, they are not natives, we have some siberians involved." Fury explained, Sienna listened carefully, it seemed Steve did too.
"We can't make a scene, i'll have a team spy the location, but i can only assure you protection from further away, you two have to intervene the scene." Fury continued, tapping some buttons on a tablet, Sienna watched, she was used to people making their plans on maps, it was a whole clue board of papers, pictures, articles. Now, in modern day, you could find someone's information with the press of a button. Steve seemed used to this tech already, his face unfazed.

The door shut closed as Steve lead the way, Sienna followed behind, not saying a word. She wasn't planning on engaging on a chat with this man unless it involved the mission. The silence quickly broke when Steve spoke.
"I worry it may be Hydra, or, old Hydra agents that want to finish what Hydra didn't." He sighed, Sienna shared his worry and saw his point, he continued.
"I grew up in Brooklyn, so, this hits a little closer to home." He let out a small chuckle, Sienna forcefully smiled.
"Do you have any intel on this mission?" She asked.
"No, it seems were outside the law in this one, this group has no affiliation with known organizations S.H.I.E.L.D had dealt with in the past." Steve said, his expression neutral.

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