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Sienna huffed, her chest pumping up and down as she pulled herself back up on the bar. This injury seemed like a perfect excuse for Sienna to work out on her arms and other body parts. She groaned, her arms failing her as she tried getting down without injuring her leg.
Her arms started hurting at this point and it appeared that nothing would get her down except jumping, and in result, hurting herself.
"Shit." She muttered, using what's left of her energy to pull herself back up, but to no avail, she just wiggled on that bar for nothing, her knuckles whitening.
She was about to let go, risk it and do something she'll probably regret later, until she felt a pair of hands on her waist.
"Maria?" Sienna asked through pants, being safetly put to ground, breathing heavily. Maria furrowed her brows, disappointed.
"I was told Dr. Banner instructed you to rest, not work out." She hissed, clearly angry.
"Oh come on, i'm not a little child, this is just an excuse to work out on my arms aswell." Sienna shrugged, Maria shook her head disapprovingly and handed her the crutch. She limped towards the elevator, relatively faster, Maria following her.
"Seems you're getting used to the one-leg thing." Maria smiled, Sienna forced a fake laugh. Maria pressed some buttons on the elevator, it went down.
"Where are you taking me?" Sienna asked, raising a brow.
"Banner came in earlier then usual, i guess he must be eager to check out the injury, or maybe he's discovered how your type of people work." Maria guessed, Sienna scoffed.
Your type of people.
"My type?" She remarked, annoyed.
"Supersoldiers, you knew what i meant." Maria brushed her off.
"Is that how you talk to Rogers too?" Sienna asked, her tone sour.
Before Maria could answer, and possibly start an arguement, the doors opened, and the both walked out.

"Dr. Banner." Maria nodded towards Bruce, he gave a simple nod, his focus now on Sienna, he smiled faintly.
"How's the injury?" He walked up to her, taking a look at the leg. Sienna was unsure, really.
"It's fine, i guess." She replied drily, watching Maria leave to the elevator, slightly guilty they were so dull with eachother earlier.
"I'll take a look quickly, i have some other things to work on aswell." Bruce muttered, focusing on the cast before walking back to his screens. Sienna took a seat on the hospital-like bed, extending out her leg and looking at it, wiggling her toes around with difficulty.
"Motor reflexes seem good." Bruce remarked, taking a look or two at her cast, checking for any swelling or further injury. Sienna just furrowed her brows, and watched.
Bruce took notice of her frustration, he glanced her way.
"Is something bothering you?" He asked, walking back to his screens, entering in some coding and moving pixels around. Sienna shrugged.
"Not really no, i suppose i'm just a little set back over this whole HYDRA thing." She murmured, looking back at her leg.
"You know..HYDRA is just a distraction, they're trying to bring back what Rogers destroyed decades ago." Bruce tried to console Sienna. "Besides, Fury is working on something bigger then HYDRA." He added, that got Sienna curious.
"Like what?" She asked, raising a brow.
"Project Insight, he calls it." Bruce said, moving some information across the holograms in the lab. "He says it's a way to neutralize threats before they even take place. Ever since the Cetauri attacked...they've just been on their toes." Bruce explained.

Sienna lazily sat around the lab all day, she got so bored she even asked Bruce what he was working on. She had wondered about this so called Project Insight, seemed typical of SHIELD to do such a thing, but it still made her bat an eye. And that damn soldier back at the HYDRA base, had he made it out alive? Was he still in HYDRA's grasp? Or was he just a distraction? Was this whole operation a warning? A warning for SHIELD to stay out of HYDRA's buisness? It explains how Sienna had gotten out of there alive, a small injury wouldn't kill her, but that soldier could have. What broke him? Why didn't he obey Vasily?

She heard someone snap their fingers, she jolted awake. "Yeah? What? I'm awake." She yawned, rubbing her eyes, Bruce shook his head, sighing.
"You fell asleep on my desk." He informed, turning her back on Sienna and looking back at the screens.
"Yep, i figured that out." She groaned, leaning back in the chair. "Haven't you been getting enough sleep?" Bruce asked, buttoning some pannels and screens. Sienna debated on wether to tell him the truth or not.
He's not trustworthy yet, wait.
"Oh, i have, it just seems i need to sleep earlier, i suppose." She lied, and Bruce seemed to believe her, he left her alone for a while. She looked at the screens.
"So what does the shot do?" She asked, squinting her eyes at all the formulas.
"It slows down the heartbeat to one beat per minute." He explained, Sienna stared, confuesed. "It's for stress." He added, turning back to the screens.
"I don't think it's exactly safe to test this out on yourself." Sienna pointed out the obvious, spinning in his chair, in order to not fall asleep. "I'm aware..." He grumbled, rubbing his chin and glaring at the formulas. "What do you suggest i do? Test it out on someone? Who knows what this could do to a normal human?" Bruce scoffed, swiping away some formulas, starting off on a new screen. "Put them to sleep, most likely.." She murmured under her breath, Bruce huffed. "I heard that." He muttered, frustrated.

Sienna stood up after a while, grabbing her crutch and walking to Bruce's side, staring at all the screens, she smirked.
"And so if i put my hand, they'll just move?" She asked, reaching out her hand to touch the holograms, Bruce firmly held her wrist. "Please, no." He said plainly, making Sienna scoff and pull her wrist away. She crutched away, towards the elevator, that got Bruce's attention, it seemed. "Where are you headed?" He asked almost immediatly, looking away from his work. "I'm gonna eat." She replied loudly, stepping inside the elevator, the door closing.

"You bet your ass i'm going to eat." She scoffed to herself, watching the elevator go down a couple floors, towards the offices, and dorms. She crutched out, walking through the wide hallway, tracing back towards her room. She paused, seeing a familar face..
"Marcus." She called out, his look instantly on her, he walked over, all smiles. "How's my lady?" He asked in a smug tone, looking over at her leg.
"Eh, she's been worse." She muttered, taking a tight grip on her crutch, looking up at Marcus. He thought a moment before saying.. "I have something i'd like to show you, mind if you follow?" He politely asked, and despite her exhaustion, Sienna agreed, following Marcus, limping per usual.

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