New York

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You will shape the century
"This is a little bit bigger then Hydra"
You will be our eyes and ears
"He had a metal arm"
You will be accompanied by our finest...and best

Winter Soldier

Sienna jolted awake again, feeling a pair of arms wrap around her, pulling her in.
"It's alright, my lady, I'm here..." Marcus spoke in a groggy voice, holding him close to her, she calmed down soon, then reciprocated the hug, holding him close. "I love ya." Marcus mumbled, but Sienna.. didn't respond, her mind fogged about the name she just remembered, this is crucial to her journey to recover, if only she could write it down, but she was tangled Markus' arms..not being able to let go.

. . .

Making her way to the lab, she was blasted with loud music just when getting out the elevator, she grumbled under her breath before making her way towards Banner who was bopping his head, working on some formula. Then he noticed her and gave a small smile, turning the music volume lower.
"How's the leg?" He asked, checking it out, she thought a moment, before giving a small shrug. "I don't know." She replied, sitting down onto the bed, putting out her leg for him to examine. Bruce nodded a few times then sharply exhaled. "Looking good, you'll be able to take this cast off in less then a week." He assured, patting her on the shoulder before heading off to his screens. "In the meantime, you could talk to Rogers about possible theories, or whatnot." He added, that reminded Sienna. "Not today...uhm, Ms. Romanoff is coming on the ship to talk to some agents and Maria encouraged me i should meet her." She explained, a shaky breath leaving her before she rubbed her eyes, still dazed by the night she spent with..
"Marcus, why doesn't he come along? You two get along well and he'd surely take away some of your anxiety." Bruce proposed, but Sienna shook her head.
"I'm not gonna get out of my comfort zone that way, i need to do this, i'm not a child." She sighed, then Bruce nodded. "You'll do great, as always." He reminded her softly, smilling again, this time she smiled back, and nodded. "Thank you."


"Romanoff is like you, only..more comfortable with stuff." Maria put it that way, making Sienna more nervous, Maria nudged her to encourage her, then smiled. "Relax, you two will adore eachother." She smiled encouragingly, but Sienna didn't return the smile.

A door slid open, a woman was talking to Fury, her hair wasn't long, it was red, almost curly. Maria walked up to them, smilling and greeting her, then Sienna followed.
"Hey, you're the new blood, right?" Natasha asked, then Sienna shyly nodded, putting out her hand but Nat went in for a hug instead. Sienna stood stiff until she let go. "I'm Natasha, Rogers talks non stop about you." She smiled. "He does?" Sienna asked, her brows shooting up in surprise. "Sure he does, come on, we have stuff to talk about." Natasha dragged Sienna away, she turned her head to look back, Maria gave her a thumbs up before her and Nat were out the room.

While Natasha was talking, Sienna's eyes caught Marcus, he was on the phone and seemed busy, until they locked eyes and he gave her a sweet smile before Sienna had to leave the room. Nat picked up on that look but didn't pressure it. "Fury told me an agent has been giving you stuff to do so you wouldn't get bored, correct?" Sienna just nodded. "There was an article written about a government ally, Luther Stone is his name, sound familiar?" She asked, Sienna nodded again. "I did some digging on him, nothing too special, just some rumors." Sienna explained, then Natasha grabbed a tablet, swiping on it, then a photo of a man appeared.
"He did time, but suspiciously, he's considered an ally, so my question..Why would the government pick someone with a felony on his record AND practically a nobody. Stone came from a poor family, he wasn't gifed or any of the sort." Natasha continued, showing her some articles about the man, articles Sienna recognized she had browsed through while at the cafe a couple weeks prior.

Ready to Comply - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now