Ch 7

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(Jaemin's Pov)

After a few hours of waiting I keep continuously pacing while the others are sitting around the waiting room trying to get me to calm down. Mark finally gets up and grabs my arm. "Dude you need to calm down." I give him a frown. "I'm worried. There's something about him that has my wolf all protective and he almost got kidnapped tonight so that's got my wolf even more protective." Mark stares at me before saying cautiously. "You don't think he's your mate do you?" I blink and frown. "I honestly don't know. When his scent does come through it's calming and relaxing but he usually stinks like....." I immediately cut myself off not wanting to snitch on Maddox smoking but Haechan raises an eyebrow saying simply. "Stinks like cigarettes right?" I immediately frown. "How did you....?" He rolls his eyes. "He thinks he's got it hidden but you can clearly smell it in his scent." I blink as everyone else agrees then Renjun turns to me. "But dude he might be your mate." I go to say something when Mark speaks up. "No. No way that they're mates. Maddox might just have a nice scent and is trying to use Jaemin." I give Mark a slight look. "He's not trying to use me and it's more than just his scent. I feel a real connection between us." Mark goes to say something when a doctor suddenly walks into the waiting room. "Lee Maddox's family?" I immediately rush over looking worried. "How is he?" The doctor gives me a small smile. "Well he has a pretty bad head injury and his blood alcohol level was pretty high. He might be a little loopy and everything when he wakes up." I frown in concern then ask a little hopefully. "Can we see him?" The doctor nods and motions for us to follow him the others getting up while I stay on the doctors heels. We soon reach a room I immediately rushing in seeing an unconscious Maddox with his head bandaged and an IV in his arm. I quickly rush to his bedside my wolf feeling extremely protective. Just as I make it to his side he suddenly lets out a little whine and slowly opens his eyes blinking before he grimaces a little. "Hey how are you feeling?" He looks at me with a cute pout. "My head hurts." My expression softens and I go to say something when Mark storms over giving Maddox a look. "You're in so much trouble mister for sneaking out and everything." He flinches and lowers his head pitifully whimpering. "I sorry." I instinctively give Mark a look letting out a slight growl. "Can't you lecture him later? He literally just woke up." Mark gives me a slight look back we just standing there basically glaring at each other when I suddenly feel a tug on my hand I immediately looking down to see a pouting Maddox he letting out a little whine. "Alpha sit down with me." I blush slightly but go to sit down in the chair beside the bed when Maddox immediately protests. "No! Sit beside me on the bed!" I blink a little before giving a little frown. "Maddox I can't just sit on your hospital bed it's for you to rest on." He frowns and his lower lip begins to quiver I immediately feeling a little panicked as he cries out pitifully. "Alpha doesn't want me!" I quickly try to calm him down and shush him in a panic. "It's not that I just can't let the nurse kick me out if I disobey the rules." He wails even louder and I look over at the guys in a wide eyed panic they all watching the situation in amusement. "Don't laugh this is serious! I don't want him all worked up he's going to make himself sick." The others give each other looks while I lean over gently rubbing little circles onto his back trying to calm him down he sobbing so hard he's given himself hiccups. "Shhh it's okay. Take it easy." He sniffles and whimpers hiccuping "D....... Don't leave." I make a split second decision before I take a seat beside him on the bed and say reassuringly. "I'm not going anywhere I promise." He sniffles before scooting a little closer he nuzzling against me with a happy sigh. I blush a little his scent projecting and I swallow my wolf growling happily at the slightly sweet scent. Swallowing down my instincts I look down at Maddox before asking gently. "What exactly happened tonight? Why did that guy attack you?" He makes a face and lowers his head pitifully. "He made me meet him then made me drink a bunch of icky drinks. Then I started missing you and wanted to come home but he gots mad and started hurting me." I immediately frown feeling a little angry it quickly turning to concern when he mumbles quietly. "He always hurts me." I give him a worried look frowning. "Maddox what do you mean by he always hurts you?" He stays quiet for a moment before saying softly. "He hurts me when I say no. I don't likes drinking all the time. And he gots me hooked on smoking. But he hits me when I tells him no." I immediately frown feeling angry and protective. Suddenly Maddox rubs his eyes tiredly and my expression softens. "Sleep Maddox you need to rest." He shakes his head no stubbornly I sighing before laying back against the bed then gently pull him onto my lap being careful of his IV so he's laying on my shoulder and chest comfortably. He looks a little shy and I rub little circles on his back. "Go to sleep." He grumbles but relaxes and falls asleep clinging to me. I smile and look up at the others. "You guys can go on home I'll look after him." They all start heading for the door except Mark who looks hesitant but Haechan quickly grabs his arm and drags him away. I smile before getting comfortable and slowly fall asleep holding the little omega in my arms.

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