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The water slide contest has arrived! But first, let's explore the facility :3 We'll have to find out who wins later ~ this is back to Rukia's perspective :( But don't worry! You'll hear more from Ichigo soon!

I couldn't believe what I just said. But...it felt surprisingly nice to get those words off my chest. I didn't want to say it with a particular feeling, I just wanted Ichigo to know.

He heard me and his eyes widened in surprise as he folded the T-shirt he slept in...now he was half naked. I quickly turned around and rushed to the bathroom to get dressed, feeling a heavy blush cloud my cheeks.

I honestly didn't need Ichigo to answer the same way because I knew he felt the same. But...it just slipped out and now I think I've startled him...

I couldn't stop blushing even while I was dressing and all the way until I opened the door. Ichigo was waiting for me as he sat on the mattress.

"Rukia," he said quietly, still seeming to be surprised at my sudden affection.

"We should go first," I said quickly and made my way to the front door.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and another one slip around my waist. I turned around and was pulled against Ichigo in a tight embrace.

"I love you too," he whispered. I could tell somehow that he was smiling when he said it.

We stood there hugging for a while until I broke away, remembering the contest. It annoyed me how every time Ichigo spoke to me, I would blush and forget everything I was doing before... Even thinking about that made me blush (._.)

"If we're late..." I glared up at him.

He gave a sheepish smile and put his hands up,
"I know, I know. Don't worry," he said.

We reached the group of couples that gathered in the courtyard just in time. Some of them were already boarding the glass gondolas to take them up.

"I wonder what the facility looks like," Ichigo said as we stood in the line.

We had a gondola to ourselves and boarded quickly.

"Who knows, but I can imagine more waterfalls and greenery," I nodded and closed my eyes. I really could imagine a beautiful place just as the hotel itself.

Soon enough, we arrived at the mountain-top facility where everyone excitedly jumped off the gondolas and started wandering around. Ichigo looked out the window as our gondola came to a halt.

"Wow," I heard him say quietly.

I peeked out the window from behind him and saw exactly what I had imagined, except better.

"I-its amazing....they could put all this up here..." I said in genuine surprise and excitement.

Ichigo and I stepped off and gathered with the group of awe-struck couples, just as ourselves. In front of us stood a large Japanese style arc like the one at the entrance of the hotel. This arc was painted red and purple with a curtain of sakura petals hanging over the opening, so no one could really see what was ahead. Whispers of anticipation wafted through the warm morning air when suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Ichigo and I both whirled around, taking a defensive stance. The woman behind us jumped in surprise and took her hand off our shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she smiled nervously. It was the woman from the sign-up table, dressed like a geisha. She reminded me of Reina and it made me wonder if she knew what Reina is.

"Are you here to..." I started.

"Yes, I know about Reina. She has been my good friend for some time now. I'm thankful you two were able to get her to go back to Soul Society," She smiled.

Ah, Reina must have contacted her then...that was somewhat relieving.

"I see," I replied. She smiled again and walked past us to the front of the crowd.

Ichigo and I exchanged glances. We were both relieved that some one could fill in for Reina while she was gone. And I could admit that I was excited for this contest. We listened as she explained the rules of the contest, the morning sun peeking above the mountains. After a few minutes, she signaled the nearby guards to draw the sakura curtain.

Gasps filled the air as the curtains were lifted, revealing a stone pavilion surrounded by sakura trees leading towards a mass of sparkling water filled with the same cherry blossom petals from the hot springs. The group walked swiftly through the arc and into the garden-like area where the large pond rested. The water was so still, it was like a mirror, reflecting everything in it's surroundings. The woman said we could explore the area before proceeding further up the hill to start the contest, so the group scattered about. While I was still studying the beauty of the pond, I felt a hand curl into my own. A blush blew across my face as I looked up to see Ichigo smiling at me.

"It's really pretty here isn't it?" he said and peered over the surface of the water where our faces were reflected.

"Yeah," I smiled lightly.

We walked around more and found ourselves under the shade of a sakura tree. It's branches hung low and covered a small wooden bench. Ichigo brought me to the bench and together we sat, watching the pond from our place. The scenery was even more beautiful from where we were than from the entrance at the arc.

"Do you see that?" he asked and pointed behind the pond. I stretched over him to get a better view and saw that the pond was connected to something.

In the back, there was another curtain of sakura, extending all the way towards the bottom of the pond. It seemed to be covering another part like...

"A waterfall," I said aloud in a soft voice.

"You don't think..." Ichigo turned to me with a curious expression.

"We must be sliding down from the top of the waterfall!" I exclaimed when I realized that could be a possibility. Now I was even more excited for the contest~

Just thinking of the height we would be at and the rush of wind blowing against us as we glided down the vertical wall of water got my spirits higher to win the competition. Just then, I heard Ichigo laughing next to me.

"What's so funny?" I asked and took my hand away from his, which I had realized was still intertwined.

"Nothing, it's just that you get so worked up about these things," he grinned.

Just as I was about to punch him, the woman's voice sounded,

"All couples, please gather in front of the pound and we will proceed to the top of the mountain!"

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