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Something exciting is gonna happen! But sorry, it's not Ichiruki scenes XD it will get interesting though! Don't worry my Ichiruki lovers ^^
o(ω' )o

That woman on the fruit basket... She had so much make-up on, I couldn't tell what she looked like, but everyone trapped inside the courtyard knew that something interesting was going to happen.

"What is she gonna make us do..." Ichigo protested and crossed his arms.

Now that she was fully descended, I could see she had dark brown hair in a large Japanese style bun, clipped with shining ornaments. Her lips were glossy red as a geisha.

"Welcome all my lovebirds!" She smiled (it looked more like she was licking her lips as she stared at us intently). The crowd started shuffling around, nervously. Ichigo and I exchanged looks of agreement.

"She's pretty suspicious looking, we should get our zanpakutou," Ichigo whispered into my ear. I nodded and we started towards the exit.

"Where are you two going?" The guard asked as he extended his arm, blocking our path to the hotel room.

"Uhhhh..." Ichigo started

"We forgot to get something from our room, it's very important," I said quickly.

The guards looked at us suspiciously,
"What did you 'forget'?" He asked.
I tried thinking of something that would seem of importance to this imbecile of a guard,

"We forgot our couple bracelets!" I pointed my finger up and made a worried expression. The guard stood there for a moment, silent. But finally he grunted and let us pass into the hallway. We could still hear the woman talking in the courtyard...

"I can't help but think there's something wrong with that woman. She just doesn't seem...normal," Ichigo said as he paced around the hotel room.

"I agree, but I can't feel any reiatsu coming from her," I replied, "We must find a way to get closer to her so we can get a better look,"

Ichigo looked up and nodded.
As we prepared our shinigami clothes and weapons, I began to wonder. Could Ichigo and I ever be a normal couple and be shinigami at the same time? If the time ever came for us to decide, I wouldn't know what to do. But thinking about that now would just distract me... I left the subject in the back of my mind...perhaps for some other time.

"Alright, let's go,"

We peaked outside of the door for guards and continued on away from the courtyard. We reached the springs and could see the woman, still hanging from the fruit basket. We moved till we were behind her and jumped up the roof, looking down at the crowd of confused couples.

"Let's see what she does when she's done blabbering," I said.

"If it's anything like the normal couple hotels, she'll make them do some kind of competition to see which couple can stay together through several tasks," Ichigo explained, still looking intently at the situation.

I stared at all the couples in the courtyard for a moment and wondered, if Ichigo and I were put in a competition like that, would we stay together till the end? Somewhere inside me, of course I hoped we would. I looked back at the woman who was finally done talking.

"What did she tell them?" I asked Ichigo, since I wasn't exactly paying attention.

"She wants them to go out to the front gates where the train will take them up to the peak of the mountain. Not sure what they're gonna do after that," he replied and jumped off the roof, "Let's go,"

We followed the crowd outside and got on the train with them. The woman sat at the front with her flamboyant kimono spread around her like a curtain. No one could see us as shinigami but we stayed in the back anyways.
When we reached the peak, the woman had the couples go off in teams on different routes around the forest.

"Should we spilt up?" I asked hesitantly. Ichigo scanned the area and nodded.

"I'll see you back here?" He smiled lightly.

I stared at him for a moment and added quickly before we separated,
"Don't do something stupid,"

As I followed behind these three couples, I surveyed the forest for anything suspicious. But their conversations provoked my interest. One couple, the ones that seemed to love school and textbooks, started a conversation about science. The other two couples, one that seemed indifferent about life and the other just too cheerful to be normal, ignored the first couple.

"What's up with them?" One girl asked in a whisper.

I smiled a bit because for some reason, it reminded me of Ichigo. It made me happy to be his girlfriend... I looked around again and suddenly a girl's scream tore through the silent air. We all turned towards the sound of agony as I rushed through the forest, trying to find the source.

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