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It's Christmas Eve so here's a side one-shot for you guys! This is only the first part! It's in Ichigo's perspective ^^ and it's pretty long! Sorry if it's too long aha but enjoy as usual ~

"It's getting rather cold outside," Rukia said softly as she stared out the window.

I watched her for a moment and got up from my bed, walking over to her side. It was Christmas Eve and the snow just started to sprinkle down. Even though it was a normal thing for it to be snowing, this time the white flakes reminded me of Toushiro...

"The snow started late today," I replied after a while and peered out the window myself, "Want to go ice skating again?" I suggested, remembering the last time we went ice skating. It was her first time and she couldn't even stay balanced, but it was still cute seeing her try.

She glanced up at me with those big violet eyes I was so used to seeing.
"Actually," she started and shifted her gaze back to the window, "Inoue told me there was a winter festival this year in town,"

Funny, I never heard of there being a festival this year. And surprisingly, Inoue told Rukia instead of me. But maybe this could be a chance for me to do something...romantic?... All this time, I always felt like she showed more affection than me, but I always tried to act more like her boyfriend though I would never be sure if I was doing it right...

"Uhh, Ichigo?" I heard her voice again and snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah. Well we could go to that too. When is it?" I asked even though I should be the one telling her about events that go on around here.

"Ichiiiiigooooooooo!!!!!" We were interrupted by my dad's shout.

I heaved a sigh and went downstairs followed by Rukia. My dad seemed excited about something, but that was normal.

I continued into the kitchen after evading a kick to the stomach from the excited old man. While I looked for a drink I heard him talking to Rukia in the living room. What was he up to now?

"Oi, dad what are you doing?" I asked as he whirled around to look at me with his beamy smile.

In his hand were yet another set of tickets that he waved in my face. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Ignoring him, I looked past to Rukia who was standing behind. She gave me a carefree smile and a shrug.

"They're tickets to the winter festival tomorrow!" He exclaimed and gave them to me through a punch to the chest.

"Dad, did you even ask for my consent?" I sighed and took a sip of my soda.

He raised an eyebrow at me suspiciously and kept the tickets in his fist,
"Oh so you don't want to go then? After all I've done? And there's TWO tickets! Let's see, one for you...one for—
He turned and ran to Rukia's side, resting an arm on her shoulder as she gave him an innocent look. I could tell she thought this was funny though, there was no hiding that from me.

I just stood there drinking the rest of my soda before walking past him and grabbing the tickets from his hand as casual as I could.

"Thanks," I said quickly before Rukia and I returned to my room.

I sensed a smile coming from his old face.

Before I could open the door to my room I heard a strange chattering coming from inside, causing Rukia and I to exchange glances. I think we both knew what was waiting for us behind the door, but I almost didn't want to go in. Breathing a heavy sigh I turned the knob to reveal some awfully familiar faces.

"Nii-Sama! Renji, Hitsugaya Taichou, Rangiku-San!" I heard Rukia next to me and watched as the shinigamis stood from sitting on my bed...funny how they just invited themselves in without consent...and sat on my bed too.

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