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I watch my mom as she lies against the table in our house. I haven't stopped crying since my dad carried her through the door mumbling about making a healing antidote. He collects together jars of different liquids off the shelves, and removes a leather bound book off the bookshelf. My dad taught me most of things to know about ghosts so I had some idea of what he was doing. He shuffles around adding drops of liquids into the simmering pot of ooze. I sniffle, what would happen if I lost my mom?

His eyes find mine, and his voice comes out desperate, "Help me! You need to make sure she doesn't lose anymore ectoplasm!"

I know he doesn't mean to yell at me, and I shove down my tears to grab bandages to seep up the ectoplasm dripping everywhere. I press the cotton bandages to her pale green skin, and remove her scarlet red cloak. There's too much ectoplasm, we can't save her, I think to myself. 

I'm so overrun with emotions, I don't notice my dad had begun dabbing the healing antidote against her wounds frantically. He's muttering quietly to himself, and I happen to make out words "she'll make it" and "should work." I grab more bundles of cloth from one of the shelves nearby, and wrap it around the areas that my dad has already swabbed with the antidote. It doesn't seem to make a difference though, she lies there wincing once in awhile with her green skin paling more than usual. Since my mom lost her voice when she first became a ghost, she barely let's out a sound as we work to try to heal her. Her face is easy to read though, she was obviously in a lot of pain. 

"The healing antidote isn't working fast enough, Lydia," my dad whispers to my mom, and I let out a cry. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."

Her now misty red eyes lock onto my dad's eyes that waver with uncertainty as he continues to press drops of the liquid to her skin. One of her bat tattoos lifts off her skin, sits on her wounded stomach and says in a soft voice, "Frederich, stop you can't do much more." Since she couldn't talk she talked through her creatures to us.

He doesn't stop, his red pupils fix on her skin trying to save the ectoplasm dripping onto the table, "But--"

"Freakshow," the bat says, calling him by what I know him as, "You've done your best."

I notice a few of the tattoos are missing on her green skin and I tap the blank spots, "Mom, where are the other ones?"

Her expression becomes grim, and the bat replies, "They were unable to return to my skin." The tattoo then reattaches itself to her skin again, and a new tattoo separates from her skin. It's my favorite one--a black widow spider with small fangs--and it crawls up on her stomach. She reaches out to me, and touches my cheek when the spider says, "Lizzie, I love you."

Her words wake a slideshow of memories. She taught me how to protect myself, and how to fight against the bad ghosts. She told me the stories of her and my dad--how they met and how, at first, dad had "ghost envy." She took me places in the Ghost Zone. A memory crosses my mind of us traveling to get home, and we had taken a shortcut through the floating purple rocks. We jumped from rock to rock without falling, when I misplaced my foot suddenly and fell backwards. I stopped as quickly as I fell, and I looked down to see her creatures holding me up. She took me into her arms, and my favorite spider had said, "I will always catch you, Lizzie." 

Tears fall from my eyes, "I love you too, mom. Are you going to Fade?"

I remember learning about the Faded from my dad, and that when a ghost dies they fade and go to another dimension called the Faded. Her purple glossed lips lift into a small smile, and the spider replies, "Yes." Then her hand runs through my black hair, her smile changing to a dark look, "Avenge me. Both of you."

Without looking, I know that my dad nods from next to me, and he leans over her to kiss her lips. He pulls away, "I promise I will, Lydia."

"Who did this?" I shout, emotions running crazily through my veins.

The spider's soft voice turns cold immediately, "Danny Phantom."

My hands clench into fists, but she reaches forward to touch my arm. The spider crawls onto my arm, and I see my mom's form begin to fade. My attention on the spider disappears quickly, "Mom? Mom? What's going on?!"

She must've known I knew the answer because she just leans back against the table, and the spider sits on my shoulder whispering, "Avenge me."

I throw myself forward, hugging her cold figure and crying into her shoulder when suddenly, I realize I'm crying against the table. The table is clean with no ectoplasm covering it, almost like she had never existed. "Mom!" I shout into thin air, the crying beginning again, "Mom, no! Mom!"

My dad pulls me away from the table, and hugs me tightly to his long black jacket, "Ssh, Lizzie."

That does little to calm me though, and I cry loudly into his jacket. I didn't notice until later the black widow spider tattoo on my wrist. 

(A/N this is my first time writing on Wattpad, so hopefully this sounded good. I love Danny Phantom, so I knew this had to be the first thing I'd write on here. To all the Phans out there, hopefully you approve of what I've written so far. I'll try to finish writing the next part soon. Please comment :D)  


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