Awaiting Freedom

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I’ve been stuck in the tool shed for at least three days and I’m starving! I seriously need to get out of this Hell hole! I started pounding at the door hoping the mother would hear me and investigate. After a couple of minutes I figured she wasn’t in the house.

“Why did you have to put me in this kind of position, God?” I mumbled to myself.

I watched an old cockatoo clock barely hanging on the wall of the shed, seeing the hands of the clock tick by. Then I heard rustling and ruckus outside the shed. I peeked into a hole to see three teenagers jumping the locked gate that was supposed to block the outside. They were wearing dark clothes and were keeping watch to see if anyone had seen them.

I gasped and hid behind some of the junk, turning to a doll.

“Hey, check in here if there’s any stuff we can sell!” One of the guys commanded the other two.

I could barely see through the stuff but a shining crowbar had caught my attention as it slid through the door. The door had been forced and ripped open, exposing the three men.

“You check the stuff on the right!” The younger one scurried to his order.

The two boys that were left had secretly ditched the one that was looking through the pile of rubbish.

“Why do I always have to look?” He had grunted. His pale blue eyes were filled with concentration. He searched the whole shed picking stuff and placing the items he wanted to sell outside. 

This is finally over! He walked out picking up the stuff and putting them into a bag. I can’t let this crook get off the hook so easily! At least this is a way I can repay Alana. Silently I was back into regular size, picked up a fragile vase nearby and walked behind him.

I lifted up the vase and hit it on top of his head. The impact had shattered the glass and they were all scattered. The teen went unconscious and dropped to the fall. I was surprised that it was so easy; I expected more of a fight though. I walked around him as though he was a creature and tied his hand together with the rope that held the bag close.

“You’re so heavy!” I panted as I dragged his body farther into the backyard that had looked like a huge forest. Placing his unconscious body against a tree I wiped the sweat on my face.

“I really should get back hiding, you know? I seriously don’t want anyone to see me especially you.” I said speaking to him as though he were awake.

I went in the direction of the shed and decided to pick up the mess. I carefully gathered the glass and disposed of it. After I threw the bag of items in the shed and leaned the door in front of the opening. I was happy that I can actually do something for Alana! I smiled to myself feeling proud as ever! Maybe I just did the most incredibly stupid thing ever.

I shook my head and let the time pass. To entertain myself I got a stick and poked the guy’s face for fun. I spent quite a while there and saw the sun as it was going down. I looked into the shed at the clock realizing that Alana would be home anytime but first, what do I do the guy? If Alana doesn’t find the guy he would just stay stuck in the garden.

“Now look at the trouble you got me into!” I shouted. Yet again I had to drag him to a more obvious place that they would find him. I seriously do not want a guy tied up in Alana’s backyard for the rest of his life.

Life is just too much for me & I know that from experience since I was born in like the 1800’s. Hate to break it to you but I’m old. My physical appearance is the only thing that can fool people into thinking that I’m a middle age teenager.

The door to the backdoor had been unlocked and I went to the dining room. Alana’s house was like a huge house fit for a noble family. I found some apples that would probably last me a good three to four days I suppose. After searching for some food supplies I found apples, tea, lemons & grapes. At least some materials are better than nothing.

~ [Next Day] ~

Sunlight creeped through the leaves of the faded, green leaves of the trees. The sunshine had forced me awake and I wearily got up on my feet. I inspected my body and found that I was still in human form.

“That’s odd; I should’ve been back to a doll last night.” I mumbled to myself. My face was filled with confusion.

I went to the gate that had been jumped by the three men and peeked over to see the outside. Isolation can really affect you a lot; keeping away from society and the world is how I live. My scarlet eyes were attentive to the sun’s glow as it shone above everything. I’m the only thing that has managed to see the light of the day even though I’m not completely human.

I thought to myself for a period of time and decided I wanted to leave but I have to come back in the next 168 hours. That would be a week in total.

“This might be fun to watch. Are here to see?”  I whispered to a butterfly that apparently landed on a leaf near me.

Slowly opening the latch that barely clung to the pure, whit gate I stepped out cautiously. I was frightened at the fact that I was going outside and almost ran back to the house but I forced myself out. I closed my eyes as I went out; standing still as a twig, fragile as ever and ready to break. Until I realized that nothing had happened to me I opened my eyes and smiled.

“Nothing?”  I laughed, “Nothing at all!”

I twirled in my navy dress, feeling the breeze in my straight hair that was messily made. Never, have I ever felt like this going outside! I laughed with joy that almost made me tear up.

I stopped in my track as I realized that I had to learn about this new century.

“Everything must’ve changed. Nothing from my time is probably here, huh? Well, if I’m going to learn I need someone to teach me,” I held my index finger to my lip. “But who can I trust to help me?”


I've finally updated!!  ^w^''    But so late at night....  TT^TT  (  11:32 PM )  Well ima go to sleep and think what Saoirse should do next..... :P  Hope u enjoy!!!

Fan/Votes/Reads   are all greatly appreciated!!!   :]

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