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Petals are slowly falling off the pure white rose by the blood stained rose held in by a Contract of Evil. Their wings turning black & hiding the secrets from one another.

                                                            Dissolving in the Acid Rain.

*Ania's Point of View*

The girl screamed as I bit her neck taking away her bitter soul from her body. As I finished; her face was now pale, eyes widened to the fullest extent and her mouth left open wide from her pitiful cries that called for help that never came. She was now dead.

"Are you finished yet?" Zero finally opened his eyes and looked at me.

I smiled, "Still too scared to see what really happens to humans that break their promises to Demons?"

I still can't believe that I'm actually making this kind of deal with him. Now I can't wait to take his soul after; I licked my lips from the thought. Of course...nothing will be as easy as it seems.

"You know this will get me in a lot of trouble with my master, right?" I wanted to convince him out of this but it seemed like a long shot.

"Who's your master?" He looked at me.

"Him." I pointed to the ground. He already knows what that stands for.

As we traveled, he constantly asked for directions from the mere humans. Judgment will only come for them as they continue to walk this Earth.

"Hurry up. Anytime will do now." I stomped on the ground.

Zero walked forward to me and leaned in, "You're obstinate attitude isn't very cute at all, you know?" A smirk covered his face.

"Stop saying stupid stuff! It's either you want to be serious about this or not!" I yelled.

"Anyways, we're here." He held his hand out to show me a dark colored building that was hidden from any light.

 "What are we here for?" I crossed my arms.

"You already know so don't act so innocent. I know you can already sense the presence of another one like you."  I continued walking into the structure. Sadly, I had no other choice and followed.

We were now standing in what I believe was the guest room with only a flashlight in Zero's hand to see. Zero was really quiet and examined the room around him. Maybe this could be my chance to take his soul. I grinned as I walked behind him.

I reached over trying to bite his neck, "Don't even try it," Zero turned his head to me as I stood alone in dissappointment, pouting.

Everything was quiet until the sound of a music box playing came from upstairs. I looked at Zero and he nodded at me. I faced my attention towards the staircase and took heavy steps as I went up. The music box played a sorrowful song that would interest anyone.

It was coming from a bedroom and I stepped into it. Everything was dark but luckily I'm not human so I was able to see with my good eyesight. Something moving had caught my attention and I quickly turned around to see a fairly young girl in white silently crying in a corner of the room.

As I only took a few steps to her until she screamed, "Don't!"  Suddenly my body was lifted and thrown to the wall.

I picked myself up and looked back at the girl to see a hideous creature next to the girl. By the way it stood and its features on its face , it was another demon's pet. Their pets usually hunt the humans  weak of heart and the ones that don't believe in themselves.

"Now who do you belong to?" I grinned as it ferociously growled at me. The creature was hunched and ready to attack until he started whining.

"Aww, you look so CUTE!" I hugged it.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and decided to hide the animal under a thin blanket just so Zero doesn't scold me.

"Hey Ania, are you going to come?" He asked tapping his foot.

"Haha, uhh, sure but what do we do with her?" I sheepishly said.

He looked at the girl and finally took pity on her. "Let's take her to the police station, no one should be  locked up like this." Zero said with sympathy.

"Easy for you to say..." I shot a dirty look at him,  "I'm tired. I'm going to change with Saoirse, ok?"  I yawned.

*Saoirse's Point of View*

I couldn't remember what happened before I fell unconscious. I looked up to see the same guy standing above me staring at me with bright green eyes.

"Saoirse, you're going to help me take this girl to the police to help find her parents. Is that fine with you?" He had a warm smile and held his hand out.

"Sure..." I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up.

I looked back to see the girl he was talking about. She was shaking in a corner and white as ever.

"Please, just leave me here." She held her hands up to her head and cried silently.

I put my hand out for her and she stopped crying for a moment, looking at me with a confused face. The girl was quiet as I gave her a smile. She hesitated from grabbing my hand but finally took a hold of it.

"Why do you want to help me?" The girl looked down with fierce eyes.

 "Why not?" I said in reply. She looked back and grinned.

"The police station is not far so let's hurry before it's getting dark." The guy said with an obviously fake smile.


This chapter came out OK I guess......   But Yay Ania's getting screen time!  

:P  Highschool is actually boring..............So I hoped you enjoyed reading this!


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