Let's Go To DownTown ChinaTown!

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"My Gosh! It's so boring!" I drooped my head down, looking at my feet. I spent my time walking around, waking so far down that I had ended up in some Asian area.

I only look up to see paper lanterns dangling above me hanging on a thin thread. What a fascinating place this is. I look at windows with tiny little cartoons figures and examine everything around. Cries of little children, wanting a specific toy echoed throughout the buildings.

A big breeze had swept through the place and made my dark blue bow fly off my head.

"Hey! Get back here!" I ran after it. The winds had teased me and made my bow disappear right before my eyes. I sadly watched it fly on top of a building. I knelt down on the ground filled with puddles of water, sadly gazing at the sky.

"Nǐ xūyào bāngzhù ma?" An Asian boy said.

"Huh?" I turned my head to him.

He again repeated rudely, "Nǐ xūyào bāngzhù ma?"

"Sorry, I only speak English." I sadly said.

He sighed, "I said, Do you need help?"

I got up to my feet, the boy towered over me, I felt small and useless before him.

*Boy's Point of View*

Her head was drooped down looking at the pavement. She slowly raised her head to meet my eyes with her scarlet ones. Before when i saw her on the ground she was confused and nervous but now her face showed hatred and anger. She stared at me with ferocious eyes and pushed past me.

"What's your problem?!" I shouted at her.

She stopped in her tracks, her head turned and she glared at me.  Her eyes opened even wider and she revealed an evil grin.

"Ha! I have no problem," She exclaimed,"You're just quite the brave one to stand up to me!" She laughed uncontrollably.

This girl is weird! She probably escaped some mental hospital and went on a rampage somewhere else and came here.

"Well, what do you want from here then so you can leave?" I called back.

She continued this laugh until she said, "All I want is to have fun, silly. Is there a problem?" She smiled widely.

"What do you mean by fun?" I questioned.

"By fun, I mean excitement, adrenaline, and fear!" She chuckled.

"Crazy girl..." I spat at her. When I turned to head down to the main street I was thrown on the ground. As I lied in pain a foot was placed on my face and pushed me even closer to the floor.

"Baka! Don't you know manners? It's bad to talk to a girl like how you did. You do deserve a punishment though so this will never happen again." She spoke above me.

Her foot continued to crush harder into my back as i tried to escape. This girl is strong for all that matters! Who knows if she can actually crush me like a bug?

"Since this is your first time meeting me I'll let you go easily." She brought her foot back and I was filled with relief.

"But...if I ever find you near 'her' again...You'll be sorry." Her smile reappeared.

She left me lying on the ground in pain. Her foot steps clicked on the pavement and she vanished through buildings. I was in the alley way so no one could've possibly helped prevent this.

I have to go to the hospital to check if I'm fine too. I painfully reached in my pocket and grabbed my cellphone to call my friend to take me there.

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