𝟏) 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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"C'mon Steve. It's gonna be fine," I whisper as we sneak through an entrance to a Hydra base we were trying to take down.

He sighs, hating the fact that I decided to come with him. "I know, (Y/N). It's just you're here, and-"

"I can protect myself," I say, cutting him off. He shakes his head, still keeping close to me, his shield protecting both of us as we made our way through each room, clearing them as we went on.

We got to the main control room to see it packed with Hydra agents. We both started to attack them, but it was clearly an unfair fight. We had taken about half of them out before I started to get tired, the adrenaline finally leaving my body. I struggled, thinking of an outcome to this. I reach into my waistline and find a grenade on my belt.

"Steve" I shout as I shoot one of the agents, killing him in the process. "We have to" I continue, lifting the grenade so he can see it.

He nods. "Get out of here" He shouts as he takes out multiple agents at a time.

"I'm not leaving without you, Steve. We either both make it out alive, or none of us do," I shout. He sighs before agreeing.

"When I say run. Run" I tell him, grenade ready. Steve nods. I release the safety and throw it, causing me and Steve to start running towards the exit. As we run, one of the supposed dead Hydra agents grabs a hold of my ankle, pulling me down. I feel my ankle twist as I fall, whimpering in pain. Steve turned around, but I shook my head.

"Get out of here! Go" I yell, as I knew it was too late. It broke my heart seeing the pained expression on his perfect face as he left me and ran, successfully making it out of the building.

The next thing, the grenade had gone off, setting the building ablaze, burning everything and everyone in it. Steve stood there, tears in his eyes as he had just lost the person he cared for most.


Present time

I didn't know where I was. I never did. I only knew I had one mission to do. Kill the Captain. That's all Hydra would tell me. I wish they would tell me more, but anytime I knew too much, they would wipe me. That's the only thing I would always remember. The fact that if I said too much or showed too much, they would start me over. They would force what was needed into my brain, not letting anything else distract me. I was like a puppet to them.

I sighed, gearing up in my dirty, never washed suit that smelt of sweat and dried blood of all the people I had killed. My nose scrunched at the smell. Having no choice, I pushed that thought aside, putting it on.

I was tired, barely sleeping in what Hydra called a safe heaven. A small cell with no bed. Only a couple of blankets, which I was told to be grateful for.

I had plenty of weapons on me, knives, guns, and hand grenades. Everything to take out a normal citizen. However, I knew this would be different. Hydra told me the Captain would be harder to kill. So, I knew I had to be extra weary of every step I took. One wrong move could have me caught.

I was bought out of crypto when Hydra had learnt that the Captain was alive. I was heavily trained. They wanted to make sure I could take him out when I had the chance. The plan was simple. Take him out with no trace. Nothing I hadn't done a hundred times before.

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now