𝟖) 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭

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Steve's pov:

The warm evening air was warm against my arms as I walked through Central Park. I needed to clear my mind and decided to do it here as summer had finally arrived.

The sky was clear and blue, but small specs of yellow and orange had started to descend now that the sun was getting closer and closer to setting.

It wasn't too busy as it was around seven at night. There were some couples sitting on the ground, picnic blankets, and baskets full of food surrounding them. Others were sat on the multiple benches, ice creams in their hands as they had decided to end the day with something sweet.

I, however, just needed space to clear my mind. I needed time to clear my head of thoughts and rethink everything.

The sun was bright, casting shadows from the trees, causing them to look like dancing patterns on the pathed floor as the soft breeze blew them.

It was nice, the distant chattering and mumbling of people creating a gentle atmosphere. There weren't many children around apart from a couple older ones, but that was about it.

At least it was until I saw a girl. She had to be around three or four and seemed to be wondering on her own.

I did look around, checking to see if anyone was near or keeping an eye at her, but she seemed lost. I decided to approach her in case she needed help.

When I reached her, her eyes were watery, and she had tear stained cheeks. Her lip was quivering as she frowned deeply.

My brows furrowed as I looked at her. She seemed so scared. I leaned down and got on my knees so that I could be on the same level as her.

"Hey, sweetheart," my voice was soft as I watched her.

She sniffed before rubbing her tired looking eyes.

"Are you lost?" I asked, attempting to get any information.

She nodded before sniffing again. "Mama-" she started, but it quickly led to more tears.

"Oh, sweetheart," I frowned as I moved closer to her.

"Can you tell me your name?" I ask softly, not wanting to scare her further.

"Alice," she whispered, and I smiled.

"Well, Alice. I'm Steve." She returned the smile before moving a piece of her hair out of her face.

I offer my hand out, giving her sympathetic eyes. "It's getting late. We should find your mom," I tell her, and she nods.

She places her small, delicate hand in mine, and I gently wrap mine around hers making sure I don't hurt her, before standing up and using my other hand to dust the grass and dust off my pants.

She was small compared to me, and she had to tilt her head up to meet my gaze.

She suddenly let her go of my hand, wriggling it out of my grip, and lifted both her arms up before jumping.

"Up!" She orders, her voice slightly bossy, and I can't help but laugh slightly.

I take her into my arms, resting her against my chest as my arms wrap around her small body.

"Better?" I ask, and she nods, smiling.

Once she had a better view of the park, I decided to ask her more questions. "Now, what does your mom look like? What was she wearing?"

She looked around, her eyes searching across the different people, but she just sighed and shook her head.

"No mama," she said, her voice cracking before she leaned her head against my shoulder.

I sighed before running a hand up her back, drawing soothing circles using my fingers.

"How about we get you something to eat?" I suggest before my gaze landed on an ice cream truck, its various colours bright against the greens of the trees and plants.

"Ice cream?" I ask, my lips tugging into a smirk, and Alice nods fast, giggling a little.

I walk both of us over to the truck as Alice sat comfortably in my arms.

"What flavour?" I question as we got closer to the multicoloured vehicle.

"Chocolate!" She exclaims happily, squirming in my hold.

I ordered it, paying the man before being handed the sweet treat.

"Hold it carefully." I warned, as I gave Alice the cooling dessert.

She smiled brightly at it, her eyes gleaming with pure delight before starting to eat.

For being someone her age, it didn't take her long for her to finish- or should I say demolish it.

"Gosh, kid. You enjoyed that, didn't you?" She nodded as a reply as she had half of it around her mouth.

I use the tissue I was given to wipe way the mess she had created before tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

The sun had really started to set now, with vast oranges and pinks colouring the sky, making it look like a painting.

"Okay, little one. We need to find your mom," I tell her as she yawned.

We spent a little while walking around as I pointed at different people, but every time I did, Alice would shake her head.

The sun was getting close to fully disappearing now, and most people had packed their stuff up and left, including the ice cream truck.

"Alice?" I hear a woman say, causing me to turn around, cutting me out of my thoughts.

Behind of us stood a woman, her face looking stressed and worried, but instantly relaxing when her eyes met Alice's. Alice smiled wildly before she started squirming in my grip, so I gently placed her back onto the ground.

"Mama!" She called out and ran towards her before the woman opened her arms and kneeled to the floor, allowing Alice to run straight into them.

I smiled, watching them interact, until Alice was scooped into the woman's arms and she made her way to me.

"Thank you!" Her voice was genuinely grateful as her eyes met mine.

I smile. "It was nothing," I brushed off as I kept my gaze at her.

"How could I repay you?" The woman asks, and I shake my head.

"That's not necessary...-" I started before she cut me off.

"-(Y/N)." She finished for me.

I smiled. (Y/N)

"At least let me by you coffee." Her voice was desperate, and her eyes were pleading.

I sighed and nodded. "Sure," I answered before blushing.

We shared numbers before I wished (Y/N) and Alice well and left them to continue their night as I made my way back to my apartment.

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